Chapter 4

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Matthew's(Jack's dad) POV:
Hmmmm. This is bad. I know Mark is gonna do something, and I know it'll be worse than any other time. I puffed up my chest a bit and sighed deeply. Then, I have a crazy idea. I called over one of my men, Ken, to give him a mission: to replace the bottle of wine with this stronger wine and then watch Mark and Jack. As I see Mark and Jack speak,I see that Jack is having a good time. I still don't trust Mark, and just to prove it, let's see what happens when he is near my drunken son.

Mark's POV:
As I drank my wine,a man with a suit on and a holding a bottle of wine came over to us. I was confused but then Jack said "Ah, Ken, what're you doing?" This Ken fellow stopped and looked at us, especially me. He handed me a bottle of wine and nodded. "I was given an order to give you and your friend here that bottle. He says, it's more delicious than the bottle your drinking from." I held the bottle and looked at it. It did look tempting, but I've had enough. "Thanks, tell that douche thanks too." I opened the bottle as Ken started walking, probably doing some creepy shit for Jack's father. I poured Jack a drink and he started swaying. "Are you ok Jack?" "Y-ye, I'm fine, d-d-don't sorry about me." I looked at the bottle again and saw the label. 'Either I'm lazy, stupid, or drunk enough not to recognize this wine. It's the most alcoholic wine out here, what is that old douche up to?' As I stare at the label, I feel hands on my arm and no surprise, it's Jack. He's holding onto me like he was scared and his face was red. "Marki~ I feel *hic* dizzy." 'Oh no, he's drunk. Ok, don't panic, just get him somewhere safe.' I stood up and held Jack's hand. "Jack, can you stand?" He looked at me with a deep blush and shook his head no. I sighed and looked around to see if anyone was looking. I quickly picked up Jack bridal style and started walking out of the ballroom. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and secured his head into my neck. Now it was my turn to blush. As I'm walking further along the hall, I noticed one thing: I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M GOING! I started to panic a bit until I saw someone in the distant. I thought it was a person from the party, so I quickly started to walk the other way. I felt like they were following me and soon my whole body was telling me, something is definitely wrong. I look down at Jack for one second and then, I accidentally bump into a lady who is about the same height as Jack, dark brown hair in a ponytail, and wearing a long maids outfit. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, I wasn't paying close attention." She then looked at me and her face went into a questionable look. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped forward a bit, almost dropping Jack. "There you are Krism, I've been looking for you." The person in question soon revealed herself as wearing the same outfit as this Krism gal, having long dark brown hair with a bit of purple in it and a calm expression. "I'm sorry Minx, I just bumped into this young fellow, who seems to be holding master Jack in his arms." Krism says as I hold onto Jack a bit tighter. Minx got in front of me and looked me up and down. 'I really do look suspicious.' "Ok look, Jack got really drunk off of wine that the hero himself gave to us and I'm just trying to find his room. I'm not doing anything bad." Minx had her hands on her hips and a face that means that I'm going to be reported. But instead, Minx starts walking the way I was going to go, followed by Krism and she told me to follow. I obliged, happy that I'm not going to jail, and followed Minx down the hall. As we go down this hallway, Krism is still looking at me. "Is there.... something I can help you with, dear?" "Oh I'm sorry, but you're Dark right? Or shall I say Mark right?" I cringed on the inside at that name that almost everybody has called me. "Yes, I'm Mark, Son of Edith Fischbach and Agnes Fischbach." 'I don't know why I said that, now she'll probably slap me or something.' "I'm asking, but if it touches a nerve I'm sorry. Master Matthew has been saying ever since he got here, that he 'he's earned this medal and no hotheaded, dark Prince is gonna ruin it.' Can you umm, explain a bit?" I appreciate her honesty and curiosity. "Well, you see, your master killed someone important to me, so now, he likes to brag and likes being the hero that everybody follows. Truth be told, I argued with him about it and I may have scorched his hand a bit." I heard a faint 'ooooo' from Krism and then, I look forward to see Minx turning to the wall where a fancy door is. Minx opens it and walks in. I walk in after with Krism close behind. As I walked in, I'm awestruck with everything. The walls were a red velvet like color, along with the curtains and the covers of the bed which had some streams of black and gray. There was a 72 in flat screen tv on a stand that look like games and movies. There was even 3 tall silver bookshelf filled with books on almost each corner of the room and there were big black, blood red and green bean bags next to them. There's an Xbox and two PlayStation  between the bed and the tv. And to top it off, there's a computer with a nice monitor and speakers on a desk with a lot of toys from different games we talked about. I soak up everything in amazement and I almost forgot my mission. Minx cleared her throat and I blushed as I realize I'm in the middle of Jack's room just twirling like a fairy,looking dumbstruck. I walked to the bed and gently set Jack down so he could rest. In the corner of my eye, I see Minx and Krism quietly clapping and looking at us as if it was one of the cutest things ever. I told them they could leave and that I can find the party on my own. They closed the door quietly and I look back at Jack. He looked peaceful for someone who is drunk off their ass. I push his hair back and get a good look at him. 'He's really cute. Maybe, I could just stay here and ignore the party.' I then slapped myself physically and started giving myself a pep talk. "No Mark, this is not what I should do. His dad is already suspicious of me. Ugh, I should leave now." As soon as I get up, I feel a tug on my tux and I look back to see Jack with half lidded eyes and a worry look. "No, I want you to stay, I don't want you to go." I blushed as attempts to reach forward and maybe hug me. I sat down on his bed and he immediately started hugging my waist. "Yay, my big teddy bear is here. Don't leave me ok." I groaned as of this because my God, could he get any sweeter and cuter. I blushed and stayed in my position and then I relax. In this moment, my mind was saying this is wrong but I've got this far. "M-may teddy bear lie down?" I said, as I felt Jack tighten his arms around me. "Ok teddy bear,I trust you." He let go of my waist and then scooted up so he was in a sitting position. I looked at him and he was out of it. I scooted away, which Jack didn't like until I layed down on his bed with my hands behind my head. I hear Jack quietly saying yay and then I hear shuffling. I lift my head up to see Jack just laying on my chest with both his hands on the side of his face. His face was red and he had a smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile myself as his half lidded eyes became completely closed. I lay my head on the soft sheets below me and I let my body relax. 'Well Mark, it's been a hell of a day. I think you've earned this.' And soon, all I could see was darkness.

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