Chapter 3: My Soul?

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My eyes snap open when my bedroom door did. Footsteps move towards my bed. I'm just about to jump and run when a weight lands on my stomach.

I'm about to scream, when he slaps his hand over my mouth. "Hmm, I can practically taste your soul. So much power. I want it but someone else wants it too." I whimper as he licks the side of my face. "Enough, Nightmare." I look to my left as someone opens the curtain, letting the moonlight in.

My eyes widen, it looks like the skeleton from my dream. Only he's wearing a red jacket, and has sharp teeth, one of them gold. "You know Gaster wants her." I hesitate before looking up, I nearly scream as the one from my nightmare is above me.

"How much more pushing does she need?" Fell asks his counterpart. "I don't know, Fell. I guess we'll find out. Won't we, sweetheart." He licks me again, this time I scream.

Suddenly, the weight disappears, the curtain fell shut and the room is once again filled with darkness. I jump out of bed and run for the light switch. The lights came on, filling the room. Tears stream down my face, I crumple to the floor, sobbing into my knees.

"Why. . . why is this happening to me?" I place my hand over my chest, going over what just happened. 'Hmm, I can practically taste your soul. So much power. I want it.' "My soul?" I continue to cry, fear fills my very being, I can't take much more of this.


I sit down in my room, I stare at my hand, half of it was human the other half was skeleton. I stare for a moment longer before applying the ink to my arm, skin magically appears on the bone.

I flex my fingers, then someone starts pounding on the door. I get up, wondering if Error and Papyrus forgot their keys. I jog down the stairs opening the door. Mira stands on the other side, forcing a smile. My eyes were drawn to her face.

Her eyes are puffy and red. "Mira, are you okay?" Her smile falters and then she starts crying, I pull her inside, closing the door behind her. I look down at her. She clung to me sobbing violently.

"I-I don't.  .  .know w-what's.  .  .real any-. . .more!" She says between sobs. I hug her tightly, feeling sorrow fill me. "Did you have another nightmare?"

"That's the problem, I don't think it was a nightmare." She says, wiping her eyes. "Tell me what happened." She told me everything. Nightmare, Gaster, Fell, everything. Terror is clear on her face. Asgore was right to send us here, someone is after Mira's soul. I want to find out why.

"Come on, Mira." I say, steering her up the stairs and to my bedroom. "Lay down and rest, I'll be here when you wake up." She nods, practically falling down onto my bed. I sit down, leaning against the wall as she slept.


My eyes slide shut, only to snap open when cries fill my ears. I jump up, startled, looking over at Mira, she's screaming and crying. I rush over to her, shaking her gently. Her eyes open, finding me, she cries even more. "Hey, kid, it's okay."

"He killed you!" I stare at her, pulling her close to me. "I'm okay, kid, nothing's going to happen." She shakes her head. "You don't know that." I shake my head as well, pulling back, looking down at her. I think for a moment before an idea comes to me.

"Knock, knock." She hesitants before saying, "who's there?"

"Ice cream." I tell her smiling lightly. "Ice cream, who?"

"Ice cream if you don't stop crying," I say, changing the joke to fit the situation. She laughs slightly, but her tears have stopped. She hugs me tightly, we stay like this for a few minutes. She pulls back, staring up at me. "Promise me it won't go wrong." I lean down. "I promise, Mira."

Mira rests her head against my shoulder. Her eyes are sad. I push up on her chin with my knuckle, gently. She looks up at me her eyes wide and innocent. I lean down, pressing my lips against hers softly.

I wrap my arm around her back, pulling her closer. I feel her hand cup the base of my neck. I look at her, her eyes are closed, but a single tear escapes the corner of her eye. I cup her cheek, wiping the tear away with my thumb.

Finally we had to pull away, gasping for breath. I hold her as I inhale. She rests her head against my shoulder. "I should walk you home." Mira nods, I get up, pulling her with me. I wrap my arm around her, leading her down stairs, and we leave.

I walk down the sidewalk, talking with her. Until we reach her house. She opens the door and I walk her up to her room. She goes to her bed and lies down. She hadn't bothered to make the bed this morning.

I grab the blankets off the floor and cover her. She buries her face in her pillow. I gently stroke her cheek. "Sweet dreams, Mira." She mumbles it back to me before falling asleep.

I watch her for a few heartbeats. "Sans?" She whispers. I jump, startled. "Yes?"

"Why is, Nightmare after my soul?" She looks at me through half lidded eyes. I touch her cheek for a moment before answering. "I honestly don't know, but I won't let him have it, no one can take it. That's a promise." She smiles slightly. "Except me." I say jokingly, kissing her softly.

"Thanks, Sans. You'd be the only one I'd willingly give it to."

"I appreciate that, now shh, sleep." She nods, squeezing my hand before falling asleep. I gently slip my hand out of hers, I leave and exit the house. Just when the door closes I swear a voice whispers, "You can't protect her. . .forever." I look to my left and see slimy tentacles, disappear.

"You can't have her, not ever!" I say, glaring into the darkness.

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