Chapter 9: Ambush

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I wake up and realize I hadn't even dressed last night, the towel's still wrapped around me, but it had loosened in the middle of the night. I quietly, but quickly slip out of Sans arms, grabbing clothes from the top of the dresser.

I go to the bathroom and sift through the clothes. I accidentally grabbed one of Sans shirts. I sigh, pulling on his black shirt and my blue jeans. I leave the bathroom and head to the kitchen. I see Papyrus and Error sitting at the table eating.

"Mira! Morning, there's some extra bacon left in the pan." I smile and head to the stove, I grab the bacon chewing it happily. "I made coffee too," He says, smiling at my face. I grab the pot and pour a cup.

I sit down across from Error. He smiles and I give him a look. "Is that Sans shirt?" I look down and nod.

"When I had to get dressed, I grabbed the wrong clothes." Error smirks and the realization hit me. "Oh, no! No, I- we- its not what you think. . ." Papyrus is looking at us in confusion. "I'm going to miss you when this is all over."

"Oh your going back to Snowdin?" Error shakes his head, "I don't live there, I'll be going back to my home, the void. Papyrus and Sans will be going back to Snowdin."

"Wait he's. . .he's leaving after Gaster is gone."

"Did- did he not tell-. Mira, of course he's leaving his home needs him." I nod, I see the logic in it but he should have told me last night, hell before we even got involved. Why fall for someone if there just going to leave you.

I get up, grabbing my jacket from the back of the chair. I pull my shoes on. "Mira, what are you doing?"

"Going for a walk. I'm not telling you where cause you'll just tell Sans. Don't wait up!" I say leaving the house.


"Fuck!" I say dropping my head to the table after Mira left. "Why did I have to open my mouth?"

"Don't worry, Mira understands why he has to leave, she just needs to cool off." My head shoots up when footsteps come down the stairs. Sans smiles at us and went straight to the coffee. He turns back around and a confused expression adorned his face.

"Where's Mira?"

"Don't be mad?"

"What did you do? Or more importantly what did you say?"

"I-I accidentally let it slip that you'll be going back home when all this is over." Sans glares at me fiercely. "Why Error, why?!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Wait where is she?" He asks sounding worried. "Um, she wouldn't tell us, because she knew we would tell you." Sans almost looks hurt. He shakes his head and walks out the door.


I run as far away as I can, I didn't wan't Sans to catch up to me. I stop, dropping to my knees, crying silently. I wish I had never fallen in love. It hurts so bad. I wish I could turn off my emotions but that was impossible.

Suddenly someone grabs my arm injecting me with something. "NO!" A random voice says before it turns into a roar. I look up as my vision went blurry. A skeletal dragon (Gaster Blaster) stood in front of me.

I look to my left and see Gaster. He let go of my wrist and I slump to the ground. My body convulses and I almost can't breath. "What--. . .have. . . you done to--. . . me?"

"An experiment. Don't worry, it won't kill you. I'll be doing that." My eyes find my hand. It's switching back and forth from human to a skeletal clawed hand. "I'm.  .  . going. . .t-. . . to. . kill you." The thing growls advancing on Gaster, it's bone tail flicking in anger.

Then it leaps at him, that's when my eyes closed.


I run as fast as I can, scanning the streets for Mira. I stop when I see the grass stained with blood. I look around searching for the source of the blood. I find the answer. He's lying in the grass, pressing his hand to his bleeding side.

I run forward, but stop when I'm 2 feet away. "Well, if it isn't Gaster Jr."

He glares up at me. "You know I was scarred by Gaster in his own image. I never wanted to be anywhere near that psycho!!" He glares up at me with his golden eyes. I nod crouching down. I look at his bloody hand. "That looks like it hurts."

"It does!" He says angrily, groaning in pain. He looks human, he has light black hair, almost a brown, and was wearing his usual. Black jacket with Gaster Blasters on the sleeves, white t-shirt, and black jeans with combat boots. He has a scar below his right eye and one above his left eye.

"How you been, kid?"

"Not that I don't mind the idle chitchat but oh I don't know. . . I'M FUCKING BLEEDING OUT HERE!" He screams, obviously filled with frustration. I roll my eyes before ripping a large strip from my shirt. "Get ready to move your hand." He nods and when I give him the signal he removes his hand from his side, I move quickly and wrap my shirt around his torso.

"Mind telling me how you got this wound?"

"I-I was trying to protect Mira from Gaster. I was too late he had already injected her."

"Injected? Injected with what?" He looks at me.


My eyelids feel like concrete, I can't open them. I hear shuffling from behind me. I force my eyes open. I'm in a huge room, there's a giant glass window in front of me. Suddenly a needle's jabbed into my neck. "Ahh! Ow! Enough with the fucking needles!" I scream at him and he chuckles.

"It's just to trigger the transformation." Gaster moves towards the door and I start panicking. "Transformation? What Transformation?" He didn't answer and I struggle against the bonds.

"What did you do to me, you sick fuck?!" I breathe heavily, looking around. There are old claw marks on the wall. My head is suddenly bursting with pain. "Oh no."

My whole body is full of pain and anger. I feel my body become larger, tearing my clothing apart. I lose track of how much time passes. It feels like forever. Then it all stops, I open my eyes. Gaster's on the other side of the glass.

I open my mouth to scream at him but only a roar comes out.

What is happening to me?

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