When you meet them at Hopes Peak

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You woke up on your desk, while looking around scared. Questioning what kind of school is this?.. you stood up shaking and wobbling, almost tipping over. You sighed and just decided to see where even are you at, you started walking and looking around. You saw the classroom door and quickly went over and opened it, you saw a long hallway. You thought to yourself.. 'T-This isn't good.." you started walking till you heard one of the cranky monitors with static. You saw a strangely designed bear with a wine glass, it spoke "Pupupupu! Hopes Peaks students! Please arrived at the gym this instant!~" before you knew it the monitor turned off, you felt something in your pocket.. you took it out, it was so ipad or something.. you looked at it and saw a map setting, you quickly click on it and saw the gym icon. You saw the directions and started walking to the gym, you started walking and suddenly saw.. a huge robot? It stated running after you, you got scared. You quickly started running away, once you arrived at the gym panting. 16 students were there? You were the 17th, the monokuma introduced itself etc.
During the school year you noticed you haven't talked to one person.. and decided to hangout with them, they seemed a bit familiar when you looked at them..
Ryoma Hoshi
You walked up to him and waved with a smile, "Uhh Hey!" You said. He stayed looking away from you but he averted his eyes to you in a glare, you flinched. Then thought to yourself "How could something so small be so menacing.." a sweat dropped from your face. He finally spoke up, "Do you need something?." While pulling the candy cigarette out of his mouth. You smiled and rubbed the back of your neck, "Erm.. I-I just wanted to say hey! Because I hadn't really hung out with you once." You said while smiling. He took the lollipop out of his mouth and said; "You're a strange person.." he muttered. Before he sighed and said, "Fine.. Names Ryoma Hoshi.. But one rule.. don't come near me after this.. I'm not worth your time." you replied "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." You gave a smile and said "You shouldn't say that about yourself! Your a great person, I'm sure!" You smiled And grabbed his hand. "Cmon' we don't have that much time before someone's kills someone." You joked and thought that everyone here was so nice, there was no way someone would murder someone.
Your bond grew by 10%
Rantaro Amami
You saw him sitting around thinking, he looked as if he was in deep thought. You went over and tapped his shoulder, he turned around and said "Hmm.. You need something?.." you smiled and said "Y-Yeah! Uhm.. I sorta wanted to hangout for a bit, if that's okay with you." He gave a small smile and said "Yeah, Sure.." your eyes lit up, you asked cheerfully "Really!" He responded calmly "Uhm.. Yeah." You smiled realized, you stood up straight and apologized. "Ah! I'm sorry that was rude of me, I was pretty happy because it actually took more hard work to be friends with the rest of the class.." you chuckled. He chuckled a little and said "Yeah, everyone seems a bit uneasy, meeting new people is hard though.. right?" You nodded agreeing. You introduced yourselves before you both started to go hangout at the Library.
Your bond grew by 10%
Korekiyo Shinguji
You were walking around and spotted that strange guy, his outfit was cool.. it was just that.. you were too scared to confront him. You grabbed your confidence and took a deep breath before walking over to him, he spotted you in the distance as you gave a little wave. He started walking over to you, you paused and stood there awkwardly. He looked down at you, and put he hand on his cheek. He started inspecting you, he started to talk; "My.. Do you have a favor to ask of me I suppose?.." you gave a goofy smile and said "U-Uh er.. Y-Yeah, I wanted to see if you could-" You gulped, and continued "I-if you were f-free to hangout..?" He looked at you and said "Ah.. I suppose I don't have anything to do right now, I suppose so.." you awkwardly smiled and said "G-Great!" He continued "Would you like me to tell you about some folklore tales?.." you were actually a bit interested in that and nodded happily. You introduced yourself to each other then you guys walked around for a bit talking about some interesting folklore tales.
Your bond grew by 10%
Gonta Goukhara
You walked around checking out everything, you saw a.. awfully tall person looking for something in the grass. You thought "I haven't seen him before.." you walked up to him and talked his shoulder, you smiled and said "U-Uhm.. Gonta Goukhara, right?" He stood up straight and put his hands on hips and gave a smile, he said "Yes! This is Gonta!" He looked so happy.. you smiled and asked "W-what are you doing in the grass?" He replied happily "Gonta is looking for bugs!" You smiled and asked "O-oh.. your the Ultimate Entomologist, right?" He replied "Yes, Gonta study bugs!" You smiled and said "T-that's um.. nice." You grinned. You asked "W-Would you like me to help?" As he replied "You want to help Gonta?" You smiled and nodded, "I-im (Y/N) (L/N)." The rest of the day you spent time on him looking for bugs until you had to go to your dorms.
Your bond grew by 10%
You looked over at the sky before seeing a peculiar looking person, you walked over to him and said "H-Hey!" With a smile. He turned around and said "Ah! Hello!" You smiled and said "I-i haven't talked to you, you look quite familiar." He gave a smile and said "I'd have to say the same thing to you.. say what's your name?" You said "I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N).." he said "Ah! I'm K1-B0! But please address me as Kiibo/Keebo! I'm the ultimate robot." You smiled and said "T-That's interesting.. I-I'm not really sure of my talent.." you shrugged and sighed, you continued "B-But that's not important.. we should hangout." You said. He nodded as you guys walked around attempting to figure out your talent.
Your bond grew by 10%
Kokichi Ouma
You walked around as usual with Kirumi, she was talking to you. She was so polite and cool.. you smiled and talked before seeing a boy on the bench outside of the cafeteria. Kirumi noticed and said she had to go. You waved goodbye and started walking over to him, curious. You smiled and said "U-Uhm Hi.." before sitting across from him. He stayed silent staring at you with a straight face. You awkwardly looked away, you said "E-Erm.." before hearing him say "Heyyy~" with a smile. You were a bit freaked out by the smile and said "U-Uhm.. Y-You looked lonely here.. I-I thought I should sit with you.." he grinned and said "Aww~ you were worried about me?" He gave a wide grin. You blushed and said
"U-Uhm.. T-That's not it!" He started crying "Waahh! You don't care about me!" He exclaimed. You flinched and panicked, you waved your hands around "T-That's not what I m-mea-" you stopped crying at of the sudden and said "Nishishi~ I got you there didn't I?" You were confused and said "E-Eh?.." he smiled and said "What.. I'm a liar!~ what do you expect?" He continued "Hmm.. Who are you?" He asked. You replied "I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." as he replied to that "I'm Kokichi Ouma! Ultimate Evil Supreme Leader!" You hesitated but continued "I-It's nice to meet you?.." you guys talked for a bit.. he was strange.. but you guys got along well.. sorta?..
Your bond grew by 10%
Shuichi Saihara
You walked around and saw a boy with a hat.. he looked emo.. you shrugged and couldn't just judge a book by its cover. You went over to him and smiled, you said "H-Hi!" He looked over at you and said "Oh.. Uhm.. Hi?.." you said "T-this school is strange isn't it.." he nodded and replied "Yeah it is.. being forced to kill by a bear.." you said "Y-Yeah and to be chosen by a talent of ours.. A-although I-I don't really know my talent.." he tilted his head "Eh?.. you don't?" He questioned. You nodded, and asked "Well.. I-i'm (Y/N) (L/N).." he responded and finally opened up a little, he gave a small smile. "I'm Shuichi Saihara. Ultimate Detective." You asked "U-ultimate Detective?.." he responded "Yeah.. I got the name after solving a murder case with my uncle.." he frowned a little. You said "O-Oh.. S-Shouldn't you be proud?" He said "That's Not it.. he just looked so angry.. I know why he killed the man.. and Uhm.. I don't want to talk about it." He looked away. You respected his decision and said "U-Uhm.. W-We'll I was wondering if you wanted to hangout.. you looked familiar." He accepted and you guys walked around and talked about talents.
Your bond grew by 10%
Kaito Momota
You walked at night, before spotting a boy looking at the sky, you sat next to him and said "H-Hey." With a smile. His eyes lit up and he heard your voice, he said "Hey there, you need something?" You shook you head "I was just wondering what you were doing." He responded happily, "Just stargazing." You smiled and asked "I wonder when we'll get out." He said "Yeah.. I have so many things to catch up on by now!" You asked "A-Ah I forgot to introduce myself.. I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." He stood up and said "I'm Kaito Momota! Luminary of the stars! The one and only ultimate astronaut!" He posed. You giggled a little and said "W-Wow.." amazed on his ultimate. He grinned and said "I'll make sure to visit space! No matter what!" You said "You're really passionate about that aren't you?.." he nodded and started talking more about space. You guys hung out for a long time talking about space.
Your bond grew by 10%

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