When you meet them

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Ryoma Hoshi
You were gonna have a tennis tournament and spectate them while they play, you went to the court and saw them. You gave a small wave telling them your coming in the court, as you unlocked the gate and went in. You put down your bag on the bench, you were wearing your tennis uniform you bought from the school store. You took out your tennis racket and went to the field, you guys started playing you were teams with two of your best friends. Until you got worn out you sat down on the bench, you drank some water. As you looked to the court beside you there was that one professional tennis player you always saw, he didn't even look at you. He had a lollipop in his mouth and he was sitting down, he was pretty short.. but you got up and went to the bench with him sitting, you said "Hey! I'm (Y/N) (L/N) you're that professional tennis player, right?" You cocked your head to the side while giving a soft smile. He averted his eyes taking a quick glance and you and said, "Yeah, Ryoma Hoshi. Nice to meet you." He kept a straight face. You couldn't help but give a goofy smile, and replied "Hey we should play against each-other!" Even thought you knew you were gonna lose. Because I mean, hey! He's a professional. He gave a slight nod and said "Yeah, Sure." While looking away, he moved his hat down lower to his eyes. He wasn't making eye contact at all.. you sighed and said "If you don't want to play, I understand." He looked away ignoring you. You leaned in closer to him trying to get his attention, "Heeyy? Are you ignoring me?" You asked, he didn't respond. You were curious since his hat was over his eyes, you decided to poke him on the cheek to see if he was asleep. He looked over you and asked while looking at you straight in the eye, "Tch.. Why do you want to play with me..?" He asked annoyed. He continued "I'm just a waste of time.." he sighed and shrugged his shoulders, you exclaimed nervously "No! You're not!" He jumped a little from you yelling. He let out a another little "Tch.." your eyes lit up, and you grabbed his hand and you didn't notice. You said "You are an amazing person, you shouldn't think of yourself as a nobody! You matter like everyone in the world, even if you don't think that.. everyone else does!" You exclaimed. You tighten your grip on his small hands, you realized what you said and quickly covered your mouth. "S-Sorry.. I-i get too emotional when talking about these types of things.." you looked away embarrassed, your cheeks were flushed with red. He gave a small smile.. and said "Heh.. I wonder why I haven't met you before.." he held you hand. You looked at his smile.. it was small.. but it felt.. nice to see him happy..

Rantaro Amami (SOME SPOLIERS???)
You sighed and continued walking to math class, you held onto your bag. Just being an outsider to everyone else.. you saw the people talk in the hallways and got jealous, why do they get friends.. is it only because of money?.. popularity?..looks?.. Ive never had a friend since that.. incident between me and (B/N).. you started crying out of nowhere.. you continued to walk while looking at the floor. Where no one would see your face, you suddenly bumped into someone. You quickly muttered a "Sorry.." and continued walking, the person you bumped into you grabbed your hand quickly and asked "Hey! Wait.." you turned around and tilted your head. He asked "Uhm.. Are you crying?" He asked. You were confused and wiped your eyes and.. you realized you were actually crying. He calmly took a small packet of tissues from his pocket, and handed it to you. You looked at it and took it, you didn't say a word other then "Thanks.." really quietly. He said while giving a soft smile, "It's no problem, I'm Rantaro Amami." He gave a small laugh. You said, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N).." while looking away, as he said "Ah, that's a nice name. " You blushed from the compliment and said "T-Thanks.. Y-your name is nice too.." you looked away. He asked bluntly, "I was kinda wondering.. why were you crying earlier?" He tilted his head, "W-Well.. i-I'm not really sure.. b-but I'm pretty sure it was something I thought of.." you replied. He gave a smile and laughed a little "Ah, I See. Do you want to talk about it to me?" He asked. You replied "U-Uhm.. N-No.. it's probably.. too bothersome.." he said, "Ah, No it's not really." He waved his arms while smiling. "I lived with 12 sisters so it's normal for me to listen to problems." He chuckled, and you said while giving a small cute laugh "Oh really?.." you said. He thought your laugh was cute and blushed a little, he gave a soft smile. You said, "Well.. then.. I-it happened last year.." you told him everything, the rumors about you that (B/N) said. He started comforting you, both of you guys grew closer. Then, without you knowing.. you just made a friend and didn't feel empty anymore..
Korekiyo Shinguji
You put on your gym clothes, and went to the yard to start running laps for PE. You stretched while you were waiting for the coach to get there, you noticed a guy staring at you. You finished stretching and decided to talk to him, despite his looks and his popularity rank. He was rumored to be some creep, but you knew better than to listen to them. You smiled and waved, "Hi!" You said cheerfully. As he replied while closing his eyes, "Hello.." you smiled and complimented him "Your mask looks cool." He said "Why Thank you." He smiled under his mask, but you didn't notice. You said "Korekiyo Shinguji, right?" He replied "Yes.. how did you know?.." As you said back "Oh, just the rumors I've heard, I'm (Y/N)
(L/N)" you said while smiling. He replied "Kukukuku.. What a fascinating name.. Your name means (N/D) right?.." he started thinking about your classmates definition. You tilted your head and said, "It does? Wait, how do you know that?" You asked curious. He replied, "Kukuku.. you're quite interested are you?.." he said, and continued "Well.. I know almost everything about humans and their history, an anthropologist! It's fascinating, isn't it?" He asked. You smiled and thought 'This Guy isn't that bad, he's really interesting actually!' You nodded and said "Yeah, it is!" You started asking him about other things and about our origins and culture, he answered them all. You soon became friends, but people started judging you since.. he'd always act strange in front of them, but that's what made you laugh.
Gonta Goukhara
You brought your bento, and started walking to the tree. You sat on the bricks that were around the tree, and started eating. You swung your feet back and forth, you sighed and continued eating. Since you skipped breakfast you were really hungry, you saw one of your classmates crouching down on the floor. While looking through the grass, you got up and walked to him trembling you felt intimidated. You tapped on his shoulder from behind and asked curious, "Uhm.. H-Hi.. what are you doing?" He responded "Gonta looking for bugs!" You realized his name and said "Gonta Goukhara? Right?" He smiled and nodded, he twiddled with his fingers and asked "Yes! How did you know?" You said, "You just l-looks familiar.." you smiled. Then continued "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." He said while standing up, and brushing himself off. "Very Nice Name! Nice like butterfly!" He smiled and put his hands on his hips. You looked up at him and thought 'He's so tall..' you responded while smiling and blushing little, "Thanks!.." as he smiled back. He didn't seem as scary as you thought he'd be, but you kinda felt bad because he was bullied for looking like this. You smiled and giggled, you guys talked to each-other for the whole lunch period.
During biology class, there was a person you couldn't really figure out since he just transferred today. You inspected him and was amazed that he was a robot, and wondered what kind of features did he have. You sighed and listened as the professor said, "Today, we have a transfer student his name is K1-BO, but please call him Kiibo." as Kiibo thanked him, he was told to sit next to you. You put your head down, and wanted to be alone. So no one could catch you sleeping, since you ended up studying all night. You sighed and closed your eyes not caring about Kiibo
He tapped you on the shoulder and you woke up, you already studied this lesson so there was no need. Kiibo said "U-Uhm.. Hey.." while twiddling his fingers nervously, "I-I think y-you should get to your next class." He was blushing, you sat up and nodded, you rubbed your eyes and said "Yeah Alright.." you got up and yawned. He asked while getting up, "Uhm.. hey.. what's your next period?" He asked while trying to act normal, you replied "It's math, you?" He said "Oh wow same!" His eyes lit up. You smiled and said "Oh well.. that's nice, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) nice to meet you." He replied while laughing nervously, "Weell.. Err I'm K1-BO! But you can call me Kiibo." He said confidently. You said bluntly "You're a robot, right?" You curiously tilted your head, as he nervously responded "U-Uhm Y-Yeah! I-is there a problem with that? Are you robophobic?" He panicked. You nervously laughed "O-Oh., Not at all! It's just pretty interesting seeing a robot in person." You replied while giggling and trying to reassure him. Kiibo sighed in relief and continued talking to you about how annoying it is to be a robot, from the robophobic people to the.. strange questions.
Kokichi Ouma
You walked around during the free time you and before class, you sighed and sat under a tree and started daydreaming. A few minutes later you fell asleep peacefully, until you heard a yell "Hey! Are you dead?!" You jumped from the yell. Then looked at who it was, you gave panicked "W-Wait what!" You exclaimed. He grinned and laughed from your reaction, "Nishishishi! You should've seen your face!~" he joked. You were annoyed and looked away, embarrassed at the same time. "J-just.. W-What did you need me for..?" You asked. Without making eye-contact, he replied "Oh I just wanted to hangout!.." He bluntly said. You sighed and thought 'H-He seriously woke me up for that?..' he said "Well, I'm Kokichi Oma! Nishishishi~" he tried to hold in the rest of his laughter from your reaction. You asked, "(Y/N) (F/N)-
W-wait.. are you that l-liar people keep making r-rumors about..?" He bursted our crying suddenly "W-WAAAAHHH! Y-You believe those?!" He exclaimed. You panicked and shook your head "U-Uhm! N-no! I-I Err.." you tried to calm him down, he hugged you and you sighed and hugged him back. Patting his head while trying to comfort him, he stopped crying and started laughing "Nishishishi~ you actually fell for it! Aww~!" He said. As you got really annoyed and pushed him away, he said while smiling, "In return for lying to you, I'll hangout with you for a day!" You said "But I don't wa-" he cut you off and said "See you after school!~" while running off, when it was after school you actually started hanging with him. He made a lot of jokes about murder, you listened to them but somehow you forgot about what happened last time. He took you to many places distracting your mind from it all, you had a lot of laughs and ended up being his friend.
Shuichi Saihara
You walked and looked for the gym, once you found it you were gonna start to play dodgeball. You gave a huge sigh, before smiling and walking in. You got on your side of the team.
The coach blew the whistle and everyone started playing, you picked up the ball and (B/N) started throwing it as hard as they could at you. It ended up hitting you in the head, you suddenly blacked out. A few minutes later, you groaned while looking at the ceiling. With your arm over your eyes, you heard a voice said "Are you sure she's/he's gonna be okay?" The nurse responded "Yes."and continued taking care of other kids. You groaned and sat up, you rubbed your eyes and looked over. He saw you sit up and said "Ah, You're awake." With a smile, he sat down on the edge of the bed. He said "You Alright? We were playing dodgeball and (B/N) accidentally threw the ball at your head. You were mad in your head and you knew (B/N) would do that on purpose, your rubbed your head and sighed. You felt really swollen, you laid down on the bed. As the boy asked, "A-Are you Uhm.. Alright?" Really worried. You nodded and said "Yeah.." and sighed, you asked "Are you the one who brought me here?" While he responded with "Yeah, I'm Shuichi Saihara." You smiled and said "I'm.. Uhm.. (Y/N) (L/N). Thanks for bringing me here." You looked over at him. He smiled and said "It's no problem really, anyone would've done the same." You smiled, as he skipped class and decided to make sure you're okay and talk to you for a while. Before you knew it you became instant friends.
Kaito Momota
You walked around looking for some star gazing group you heard of, you continued walking softly stepping on the floor nervous. You suddenly bump into a member of the club, you looked up at him and apologized, "S-Sorry.." you nervously said. He smiled and said "It's alright!" He looked at you and asked "Hey..are you (Y/N) (L/N) by any chance?" You nodded, "Oh u-uh Yeah. How'd you know?" He smiled and chuckled, "You just look like it, say.. youre in the star gazing club right!" His eyes lit up and he grinned, you nodded nervously and said "Y-Yeah..?" He smiled and stuck out his hand, "Names Kaito Momota, Luminary of the stars and your club member!" He smiled. You smiled back at him, he grabbed your hands with stars in his eyes. "Hey Let's get to the club right now!" He said and before you could respond he started running to the club room, you tried to keep up with him panicking. Once you both got to the club, you fell down onto the couch exhausted from keeping up with him. He laughed and joked with you, as you puffed your cheeks annoyed. He ruffled your hair and said, "Wow slowpoke." You glared at him, he pinched your cheek and said "Just kidding." You started hanging out in the star gazing club, he started talking a lot about going to space. While you talked about how many stars there were And their names.

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