Bonus Chapter/Possible Sequel

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1972, Year before the end of the Vietnam Draft and beginning of the War in 1973

Helene Bauer 

The six of us sat at the dinner table as we waited for Mama to come out of the kitchen. It was Papa's birthday, his fiftieth birthday to be exact. Mama was forty-five, Augustus was twenty-five and married to his pregnant wife of five years. Ansel and Harvey were twenty-one years old and still bachelors. I had just turned seventeen. It was a testy time in America during the seventies. The Vietnam war was on the rise. Harvey and Augustus wanted to go off to war, I was thankful that Ansel could not. He had gotten into a bad accident when he was young that caused him to lose all his sight in his right eye and lose partial sight in his left. I myself had a fellow to worry about. His name was Henry St. Claire. He was almost eighteen and the draft would want him soon. I did not want him to go.

Mama came out of the kitchen with the two layered cake resting high on her belly. She was pregnant for the last time. Papa smiled at Mama as she placed the cake in front of him and we started singing Happy birthday to him. Mama sat next to Papa as he cut the cake and divvied it out the chocolate cake. My sister-in-law, Kit, was unusually quiet that night and everyone noticed. Augustus had her hand in his the entire night, they hardly ever let each other go. Mama looked at her baby boy and daughter-in-law with skeptical eyes.

"Kit, love, you're quiet tonight." Mama commented. Kit nodded once as she picked at her cake. Augustus leaned over slightly and kissed Kit's temple.

"We have something to tell you all." Augustus said in an even tone. He looked at all of us before resting his eyes on our parents. "I have been drafted to the Army. I am to leave for base training at the beginning of next month." Kit's chin wobbled as she fought hard not to cry. Harvey swallowed hard, making his Adam's apple bob. Ansel gripped my hand on top of the table to keep me from jumping from the table. My stomach had dropped to my knees and it felt like my heart was being torn to pieces. Mama hiccuped a sob and Papa wrapped his arms around Mama to comfort her.

"I have some news too, Mama." Harvey added quietly. "I have been drafted as well, into the Navy." Ansel dropped my hand and wrapped his arms tightly around my frame as I struggled against him. Mama pressed her face into Papa's shoulder to keep her cries quiet. Augustus and Kit had excused themselves from the table. I could hear them down the halls as well.

After we had all calmed down, I excused myself to the kitchen to call Henry. I needed to hear him tell me something. He picked up the phone on the first ring.

"Henry," I said hoarsly. "I need you to tell me something, and you need to mean it."

"Anything, Lena," He said, using his pet name for me.

"Tell me you won't enlist. Tell me that, please. I can't loose you too."

"Lena, I won't enlits for Vietnam, I promise." Henry said. "What brought all this on?"

"Augustus and Harvey have been drafted."






Hello lovelies!

So, this may be the sequel to In The Midst of War. If I do decide to go through with it, it would be called Letters of Peace. It would take place before, during, and after the Vietnam war. It would be in Helene's POV the entire time.

Please, tell me what you think.

Lots of Love,


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