Bf and gf

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" would be my girlfriend?"
"SURE" I say rapidly,nearly crying lol.
" I guess I should put a love heart next to your name!"
"I already had one next to yours lmao"
(Time skip coz I'm lazy af)
Umm as I'm practising with the band I wonder if I should them about freya. I walk over the the gang and tell them to stop playing. I tell them "so IV kinda got a gf"
WHO WHO WHO they all say in unison. It's this really amazing girl called freya and she's so pretty and her smile is ama...
"Okokokok we get it" Malcom says laughing really hard.
"Sorry I just really really like her"
"Love her" Ayla corrects me.
"Yeah" I say blushing very hard.
Finn texts me saying "I just told the band members about you and they said you sound nice ."
"Well that's a good start" I say happily.
" I started to talk about you so much that they were getting annoyed lol"
I hesitate .
"I love you Finn "
"I love you to freya" he says back.
My heart fluttered and my brain began filling up with what my future will be like.
He sends the heart emoji and I do the same back.
"Your my first ever gf btw"
"Awww and I am happy to be so."
(Is that even English lol)
"Ok sadly I have to go to hell (school) I will text you when I get back ok finnie?"
"That's fine by me I'm always happy to talk with you"
"Ok bye love you Finn"
"Love you too freya"
I'm so happy with my life at the moment.
(Finns POV)
As I see that Freya has gone offline I think about how lucky I am. I just really want to meet her. I mean I guess I could pay for her to come round to America but she probably won't be allowed.

Finn Wolfhard X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now