2- our special spot

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A/N i switched up to make it in to pov as I wrote this before the first chapter  also im still working on chapter 1


It's been weeks since i spoke/saw phil and i miss him ... but why? i started to think about the hell he had put me through in the last year.
I got lost in my thoughts till I hear what used to be my favourite song come over the radio and i instantly start looking for the boy I let go
For some unknown reason i had hoped phil was sitting in the same cafe as me.....

Phil and i had met out side this very cafe and it was our special spot we would come here just to be alone as our fans didnt really known about it...

I didnt want to move from this spot just incase phil decied to come in to the cafe... not that he had been here since we split up .

I wanted to see phil, I wanted to talk to him but he wasn't awnsering my calls,texts, tweets, whats app, insta messages or fb messages.
I have no idea why he was being this way hes the one who treated me like dirt hes the one who ended our relationship it was his fult that we had this major argument.
So because he was being a dick I decied I had to go back to basics and start asking fans for help to get the message across that i was always going to love him.

As I sat In the very spot we met people walking by were asking me where phil was all i could awnser with was I dunno.
I sat there for hours just hopeing phil would come back. As the hours went by people thought I was crazy, they told me he wernt comeing back and that i should give up looking for him.
I knew in my head that it didn't make sence but i was listening to my heart and didnt care what my head was saying all i Know is I cant be with out phil.

I haven't seen or spoke to dan in weeks ive been ignoring his texts and calls. I've also avoided all form of social media so that i didn't have to face up to the fact that I was a complete dick to him. I had completely fucked up this time and didnt know how to fix it, i know i really hurt dan and he probs didnt want to see me.

i think about him alday everyday to the point i can't do anything.
Every day I think about going to the place where we met hopeing that dan would be there, I get half way and chicken out so i would go back home and just sleep,

I woke up to the sound of a song that dan loved comeing from the kitchen i jumped up and ran to where the sound was comeing from only to realise that it was just my brother cooking bacon and pretending to sing in to the spatchulor ..
I as hopeing that dan was also lisening to this song were ever he may be.

"And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinkin' maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet"

As I sat In my kitchen listening to this song and watching my brother dance around like a fool . My mind wandered of and i started to think about where we first met i wandered if dan had been going there.. I didn't know if dan would be there it was our special spot, and i had broke his heart

As I sat deep in thought I promised my self that i would go there tomorrow maybe just maybe dan would be there and we could talk our problems out.

I really wanted to see dan but i couldn't bare to see how much i had hurt him..


As I sat here where i met phil scrolling through Twitter hopeing phil had at least seen my dm or any of my messages I decieded to check the trending page to my suprise phil and i were trending number1 with the #phil,danswaitingforyou... I decied to tweet using the has tag " phil if your reading this please come to our special spot #phil,danswaitingforyou "

After id finished tweeting i was told to move by somebody i looked up to see that i was in someone's way. I dunno why he couldn't just walk around me it's not like i was in the middle of the path way. So i told him to shut the hell up as i wernt going to move
He looked at me a bit like wtf and told me to chill the fuck out and asked me why i wasn't going to move and why was i there? I told him about phil and the hash tag and he said "dude I get it I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do."
As we were talking about phil i was still hopeing this was the first place he would come.
After the dude left i started to go through the hash tag hopeing phil had tweeted back but nothing I closed the tab and wanted to give up I rung phil hopeing he would awnser but he didnt I hung up looked at the time and relised it was late so i went home and tweeted aging using the #phil,danswaitingforyou im going back to our special spot tomorrow i hope you see this phil and i hope you come to. I want to see you . I miss you and love you.

Phil's pov

The day got later and later I couldn't bring myself to even get out of my Pj's i haven't even filmed a Vid yet this week so i decied to brave the Twitter sphere and send a tweet asking fans what questions they wanted me to awnser but before I tweeted I did what i always do and check the trending page to see dan and i trending at number one. I Decied to look through the hash tag to see 5 tweets from dan saying that he loves me and misses me and that he's waiting at our special spot. As I go through them i see one from dan saying "#phil,danswaitingforyou im going back to our special spot tomorrow i hope you see this phil and i hope you come to. I want to see you . I miss you and love you". As I read this I felt a tear run down my face. All i thought is why did i treat this boy so bad why did i end our relationship. I knew dan deserves so much more then me... I decieded to tweet 2 things
1. *A message for the fans*
Wanna do a q&a as I haven't filmed anything this week tweet your questions useing this #philgetagripandfilm

2. *a little message for dan*
Dan if your reading this im so sorry i never ment to be a dick towards you I never ment to hurt you ever im so so sorry i wish I hadnt of done what i did , im so sorry that I've put you through so much shit in the last year I wish there was a way for us to talk about it... I'm gonna go our special place tomorrow I hope your gonna be there waiting for me #phil,danswaitingforyou

After I tweeted I wanted to ring dan but i didn't know if he would awnser or not i know i had upset him so i was hopeing he'd see my tweet.

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