back story-befor dan and phil broke up

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A/N This is my first and hopefully it's good also i apologize if there are any major spelling errors also I decied to un publish the rest of the story as it made sence to have this bit at the beginning.

Dan and Phil were always together but that was just them they were more then just boyfriends they were best friends. There friend just fought they were really close noone knew that they had been secretly dating for 2 years neither of them had come out to there followers. Phil was out to his youtube friends but dan wasent.
he was scared that they would look at him differently that they wouldn't want to be his friends anymore

  Phil knew that dan wasent ready to come out to anyone. Useally phil understood but they were going to a party with tyler, connor, troye, louise, joey, zoe, Alfie, joe ,casper, jim, Tanya,marcus and Naomi.

The morning of the party dan was nervous about going.
he told phil that he might not go because he didnt want people to find out that he was gay.

Phil chuckeld and told him not be so silly.
They started to talk about the party and how it may be a good chance for dan to come out to his friends. Even though phil knew that dan wasent ready to come out to his friends he kept pushing dan to. The more phil pushed the more dan dug his heals in.

This caused the biggest argument they have ever had, phil started to accuse dan of being ashamed of their relationship .
The argument got so  heated that phil stormed out half expecting dan to go after him.
Phil went to his brothers and dan spent the afternoon crying. They both chose not to go to the party as they thought the other one would be there and they didn't want to make a sence in front of everyone.
Two days after phil had left dan sat at home trying to contact him but phil was ignoreing all contact from dan.

Dan started to think about what phil had said during their argument. Dan knew what he had to do, he picked up his phone sent a group text to all his and Phil's youtube friends saying that he was gay and that he was in a relationship with phil. In the next two hours dans phone blew up with texts of support and questions so dan decieded to make a comeing out video to awnser all the questions alough very careful not to out phil As well.
He very quickly edited it and uploaded it.

Now that dan was completely out to everyone he asked his friends to send the link to phil as he wasent talking to dan.
Dan hoped that by comeing out completely that it would show phil that he wasent ashamed and he was willing to do anything for phil. Phil on the other hand didnt know why dan was doing this hed just come out to the whole world and then got his friends to send the link to  phil.
Phil didnt want dan to come out the way he did he just wanted dan to be true to himself. He felt that by dan comeing out in this way that he had  pushed dan to do so and that's not he wanted.

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