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Images of your grandma flashed in your head as you slowly cracked your eyes open. When you were fully awake you began to panic, not remembering where you were. It took a few minutes, but you finally calmed down.  You remember falling down the hole and passing out. You took a deep breath. Just as you were standing up, you heard faint cries from far above you and felt burning pain through your body. You looked up at the hole and saw two figures dumping another smaller figure down the hole.

As the small figure fell the taller ones walked away. The closer it got to you the louder its cries got. It took a moment but you realised what had happened. The figure falling was a baby, and what dropped it was its parents.  As it got closer you moved to catch the child. You almost missed it but stopped moving as it landed into your arms,  tipping you over.

The kid was wearing a blue shirt and pink pants.  (There are stories where Frisk fell with you. This child is NOT Frisk) The child's cries were loud as hell. You sat down and held they child close to you. They looked about three or four, and female. She had short black hair and blue eyes. As the kid cried, you sat down and rocked back and forth, trying to calm her down.  When it didn't work you started to get scared yourself.  'What if her cries attract an animal?' You thought to yourself. Then you heard shuffling and footsteps from behind you. You instinctively pulled the child closer to you before turning around, to see a goat lady.

She greeted you with a kind smile and said "Hello my children. I am Toriel, caretaker of these ruins."
You waved at her, choosing not to speak.  Toriel walked closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You flinched  away and Toriel gave you a confused look before She slowly reached for you again and put her hand on your shoulder. You let her this time and she healed your wounds. Wait...how? You stopped for a minute to think about it. You put the thought to the back of your mind, not really caring.

~tem skip...~

About a half an hour later, You had made it to Toriel's house. You had passed several monsters and puzzles. The spike one was your favourite. About halfway to her house though, the kid in your arms fell asleep. As soon as you had gotten to Toriel's house she opened the door and told you to enter. You hesitated at first but walked in. It was nice, but you didn't pay attention. You were watching the kid in your arms.  Toriel led you to the kitchen and you sat down, still watching the child. Then Toriel spoke up. "My child, is that little one yours?"
You shook your head no.

Eventually Toriel led you to a room and told you that you could sleep there. You still had not let go of the child so when you went to go lay down, you made sure that she was comfortable before falling into a dreamless sleep.

You woke up to the sound of a child crying. You looked over to the kid lying next to you and her face was turning red from crying so much. You quickly sat up and pulled her into your lap. You quietly spoke to the girl. "Its okay sweetie. Your okay. What's wrong?"

She mumbled in a cute little toddler voice, " food"
You nodded and stood up, sitting her on your hip. You made it to the door of the room  slowly, wondering if it was safe. You shrugged away your anxiety and stepped into the hall. All the lights were off and you didn't bother looking for the light switch. You made your way to the kitchen, eventually, and opened up the fridge. In their, you found a pie that looked amazing, a pie that looked like snails, a jug of milk and an apple.

You grabbed the good looking pie and set it on the counter, closing the fridge afterwards. You walked to a chair and put the child down, grabbing a knife and cutting two pieces from the pie. You sat down next to her and took a bite of pie first. 'I mean, if this is poisoned at least i die first' 
As soon as the pie hit your tongue you gasped. "This is amazing!" You nearly shouted as you took another bite. The kid looked at you and smacked your arm. You put your slice of pie to the side and slide closer to her. You cut a piece of her pie, stabbed it with a fork and held it out to her. She grabbed the fork and took the piece off of it, choosing to eat it with her hand.

You laughed and cut the rest of her pie into pieces, scooting it a bit closer to her in case she made a mess. You then went back to your pie and scarfed it down, And after years of eating almost literal garbage you had every right to scarf it.

Soon enough the kid finished so you asked if she knew her name. "N-name?" She asked. You gasped and decided that you were going to name her.
"Hmm..I guess I'm gonna name you. How about...Angel."
She giggled at the name and you smiled. Angel it is.
As soon as she finished her pie you picked her up and started walking back to your room. As you were about to open the door, Toriel walked out of her room and looked over to you. You waved at her, and Angel wiggled around signaling that she wanted to be put down.

As soon as her feet were on the floor, she ran to Toriel and looked up at her. Toriel smiled down at her and said, "Hello little one."
Angel giggled and held her arms up, asking Toriel to pick her up. Toriel picked her up and Angel yelled, "Goat!" Toriel laughed and you slowly walked towards them.
When you spoke it was practically a whisper, "T-toriel...is there...anywhere else outside of your house?"
"Yes child, there is. Are you not happy here?"

You couldn't answer her. You didn't feel anything except the urge to leave. Without really, thinking you nodded. Toriel sighed but nodded a little. "Well then my child. I will show the way out. But you must stay safe for me, will you not?"

"I will."

~small tem skip~

Toriel had packed you a bag with some pies, a few articles of clothing, and some things for Angel. She led you down I to her basement and through hall, until you came across a large set of doors.  Angel, who was in Toriel's arms, was playing with Toriel's sleeves. Toriel then handed Angel over to you and pushed open the large doors. You smiled at Toriel and gave her a hug before walking into the place outside.

As soon as you stepped through the doors, you and Angel got hit with a cold breeze and the crunch of snow beneath you feet.

Alright. Don't question who the kid,Angel, is. She is Important to the plot.

Word count: 1226


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