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  Im kinda surprised im not bored of this yet y'know


The sudden blast of cold shocked you a bit and you gasped. You looked around at all the snow and wondered how it snows underground. You hummed a little as you pushed the thought to the back of your mind. You held Angel closer as you began walking through the snow. After a few minutes, you found a large stick on the ground and you went to pick it up, but decided against it. It looked too heavy anyway.  You took a few more steps and came across what looked to be a gate of sorts, though the bars looked to big to stop anyone. Just then you heard footsteps behind you and a deep male voice say, " H U M A N.  Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn-'

Before he could finish talking, you held Angel tighter, turned around and went to go punch him in the face out of instinct. He easily dodged your punch and chuckled a bit. " You tryna fight me kid?" 

You didn't answer, as you could only stare at him. He was a short skeleton, only a few inches shorter than you, and he was wearing a blue jacket with white fur on the hood, white shirt underneath , black gym shorts with white lines on them and a pair of fluffy pink slippers. His smile never faltered for a second.

Angel was looking at him too but in a different way. You were staring at him in fear, while she was looking out of curiosity. You screamed in terror, and half of that fear was  from the thought that he was going to hurt you. You slowly started to back away as tears began to form in your eyes. Angel stared at you and them wiggled around, stopping you in your tracks. She wanted to be put down.

The skeleton watched you as you slowly set Angel on the ground. She then ran to him and started talking in gibberish.
You sat on the ground while still inching away little by little. 
The Skeleton pat Angel on the head once and started walking over to you.  He looked down at you and your tears were still flowing non stop.

"Uh, kid? You okay?" You quickly nodded your head, trying to shake off your fear. You started to wipe away your tears when he held his hand out to help you up.  You ignored his hand and stood up by yourself while Angel ran over to you.

"Anyway...heya. The name's Sans. Sans the skeleton."
It took you a few seconds but you finally mumbled, "h-hi...I'm Y/N and she-" you pointed to Angel, " Is Angel."

After a few minutes of just standing there, you picked up Angel and started to walk through the bridge gate thingy.  "Hey kid, wait up."

You turned around and with a shaky voice you asked what he wanted.  "Kid, my bro is up ahead and he is a human hunting fanatic. Also considering your reaction to me, he is gonna be pretty scary to you."  You nodded once and started walking through the gate thing again, and Sans was following you.   You walked through and began walking at a quicker pace, wanting to run away but slightly feeling safe around Sans. It almost seemed as if you knew him from somewhere, but that was crazy! You had never seen him in your life.  

No way is it possible.  "Uh..Kid? You okay? Your kinda talkin' to yourself..." You nodded and internally facepalmed for being so stupid.    You stopped walking when you heard a loud voice yelling something from ahead. Sans told you to go hide behind his post, while pointing at a little stand. You shook your head no and stood behind him instead. Angel seemed to sense how terrified you were at the moment, so she hugged you tightly and smiled.  Just then a taller skeleton walked over and started shouting at Sans. 

"BROTHER YOU LAZYBONES! WHY AREN'T YOU ON GUARD FOR HUMANS? IF ONE COMES THROUGH I HAVE TO CAPTURE IT SO I CAN BE PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD." You flinched at his loud voice and stared up at the tall skeleton. He was at least three feet taller than you, making him around  seven feet tall.  He hadn't even noticed you, as he was too busy yelling at Sans. Taking a deep breath and deciding to risk it, you stepped in front of Sans and waved at the taller skeleton.  He looked down at you and squealed. "OH MY GOD SANS! IS THAT A HUMAN?"

Smile Please(Sans X Suicidal Reader) Where stories live. Discover now