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[ September 14 ; Monday ]


The classroom during lunch time was as lively as ever. Couples flirting, friends discreetingly eating and others studying for their next test. Beside Minhyuk, (Y/N) sat while lightly leaning her head on Minhyuk while Minhyuk had his arm draped over (Y/N)'s shaking shoulders.

The pair caught the attention of the class bully that once had a tiny-weeny crush, just a really small-almost invisible- size of a dot admiration for Minyuk.

He stood up and shouted "Look at Minhyuk and (Y/N)!! More than friends I see".

The pair didn't give a damn on what other said and just rested on each other, as if no boys were whistling and giggling like teenage hormonal girls.

A look of horror spread onto the features of Yoongi for a millisecond and returned back to its normal, unconcerned and resting-bîtch face.

"How much money did Minhyuk pay you, to be his girlfriend?" A loud feminine voice shouted randomly earning weird laughs from the students.

'The fùck is wrong with this people and their low-level minds, my Best friend is amazing' (Y/N) thought bitterly. While her face seemed as carefree as possible.

"Just as much money you used when fixing your face at our place" (Y/N) said with a monotone voice while still lying her head on Minhyuk's shoulder.

It wasn't a secret that the (L/N)'s owned a clinic that fixes matters that concerns a face. (Y/N) was also known that (Y/N) had the most baby face ever.*

Everyone roared with laughter at the girl's response. The female who asked the question felt ashamed and trying to defend herself she stuttered out "th-the l-l-look of y-your clinic wasn't pleasing"

"So did your face when you first came in the door" (Y/N) replied while trying to keep a bored face and while failing miserably at it.

"What's so wrong with Minhyuk? He isn't that bad if you look at him, Gookdu" a voice from the back said. (Y/N) turned her head sidewards to see Yoongi defending Minhyuk with an uninterested face.

'and if that ain't the cutest shît ever, I don't know what is' (Y/N) thought to herself.

All the while Minhyuk's face burned brightened from the compliment Yoongi said and comically had hearts in his eyes. Out of joy (Y/N) shouted "that's my man!!" and high-fived Yoongi.

To Yoongi all the hate, jealous and negative vibes he had before -when (Y/N) slept on Minhyuk and when Minhyuk comforted a crying (Y/N)- all washed out, just by hearing (Y/N) calling him hers 'it's the best feeling ever. I swear'. He was flustered

Gookdu -the bully- thought aloud "I think Minhyuk's handsome as well", and when he realized what he said he became flustered as well.

Minhyuk looked at him with eyes as wide as saucers. Also flustered.

The bell rang and the new music teacher for the third quarter came. Everyone eyed him with awe and he started his introduction.

"Ayo hitman bang introduces. Hit it the second semester"

[A/N: sorry bong soon, but I really ship them lol, btw it's just a filler chapter sorry,]

[*(Y/N) has the most baby face ever that's why everyone knows she didn't do arrangemets at her face]

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