[ 42 ]

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[ September 29 ; Tuesday ]

You loathed him.

You hated him with a fierce burning passion. You sat there with eyes closed and mouth opened ready for the food that was supposed to enter your mouth.

Supposed to,

He laughed cockily. "You're so cute, stop it" he said.

You sighed. You were tired of this. You had so many questions, all this questions led to one basic word that you uttered helplessly.


"Why what?" He asked.

You lifted your hands showing your interlocked hands. And he smiled, he just smiled. The smile that he showed to you and only you. His gummy smile, now how were you supposed to understand the meaning of that smile? Psycho.

"I knew you were gonna ask that" he popped. "Finest silk from China. Soft yet strong"

Is he really bragging about silk right now?

"First time I went to China, I've been fascinated with this cloths. I mean how can one thing be strong and super duper soft at the same time?" He said,

"Then I found you" he smiled. Your heart went doki-doki.

"Enough of all of this" you replied. "Why locking me here? Why kill Minhyuk? Why do all this? I swear I don't have good organs" you begged.

"Why do people always think it's all about black m—" he sighed.

"I love you (Y/N) (L/N)" he replied breathlessly.

"You were supposed to know this, a year after we have a relationship. You were supposed to doubt that I love you because all I was supposed to say at that span of time is 'I like you'. I was supposed to kneel before you and say 'I love you' in the most charming way ever and you were—"

"Shut up" you said as he pouted.

"No seriously, I've got everything planned"
He defended himself.

"You're a stalker, crazy creep, a psycho. You two-faced ugh!" You said pointing at him.

"Okay let me rephrase that" he said lifting his index finger,

"I'm totally, completely, eye-popping, jaw-dropping, groundbreaking, mouth-watering passionately, dangerously in love with you baby" He said inching his face to yours.

"You're a fucking murderer, get away from me" you said backing off.

"Murderer? Excuse me?" He asked.

"Don't act clean. You killed Minhyuk? Right?!" You chuckled insanely.

"(Y/N) I know you're sad and all that, but accusing me? That's a bit too far sweetie" he sweetly said that made you gag.

"You killed him. I have proof! Minhyuk wanted to address something to you before he di—"

"Oh he did?" He asked smiling cockily.

"If I was the killer and he wanted to tell me something, why didn't he tell me face-to-face" he asked testing you. You were silent.

This guy is too smart. Kill me now.

"Although I'm curious, what did he want to say?" He asked while you mumbled words. "What? Can't hear you princess" He said.

"He liked your long veiny hands" you grumbled.

"Oh" he said looking at his hands. "These hands performs wonders" he winked.

"Shut up" you whined, you were done with him. Although he looked so hot

Get a grip (Y/N)!

"You know you love it" he said. Is he actually serious? Right now? You looked at him differently.

"Oh my god you're so cute I love you" he giggled he transitioned so quick! What?

"you call this insanity, love?!" you said to him. He didn't answer instead he fixed the tray on his lap.

"love?!" you repeated aggresively. Still no sound came out from him, was he guilty?

His lips formed a smile, a mocking one at that "yes dear? What is it?" he replied cheekily.

"Oh my god. I can't even! ugh." you give up.

"I love you too!" He shouted as he skipped towards the door and left you again.

[A/N: i sent this chapter to my friend so she'd be the first to see. She said finally cause she was waiting for the "you call this insanity love" scene. Im laughing so hard ohmygod, congrats to our boys in musicbank❣️]

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