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[ September 23 ; Wednesday ]

You've been thinking about this all day and night. After that stalking mission with Yoongi last Monday, you've been thinking non-stop of what happened to your friends. You knew they got along well, probably too well?

The only thing you knew was, you had to fix it and you had to fix it fast.

"I can't take this anymore" you groaned, your hands gripping the utensils hardly.

"You just have to talk it out with them" Youra said, "Jaebum won't tell me anything"

"Minhyuk too" you replied, and the boys Namjoon and Yoongi were silent.

"Well, I gotta go!" You said, standing up with all your might.

This is the day, they tell me what's wrong!

You went to Minhyuk and Gookdu's table. You grabbed Minhyuk by the ear, be cause you think it's the only way for him to follow you.

"(Y/N), I know you're mad but, Let g— ow!" He whined.

You headed towards the classrooms.

"Yah, Im Jaebum!" You yelled at the classroom where you last saw Jaebum,

"N-no, (Y/N). I-I" Minhyuk who was a mess said

"You come here, right now!" You demanded, and a girl who look terrified pointed below the teacher's table. You went to the teacher's table to get him, you also grabbed him by the ear.

You placed the two of them in front of you, as you glared at the both of them. Damn these two.

"What is wrong with you two?" You asked with a low tone. Anyone could notice you were getting angry.

"Nothing" they nonchalantly reply at the same time, making them both flustered. 'What kind of reaction was that?'

"What the hell bro" Jaebum said in a manly voice, and laughed awkwardly.

"Bro?" You whispered to yourself,

"Fine! You know what, damn you" Minhyuk screamed while pointing at Jaebum, "I know, you like me" Minhyuk said. "And I don—"

"What? You, you're the one who likes me" Jaebum defended himself,

"Wha— No!" Minhyuk screamed, "that's fucked up"

"(Y/N), you told me!" Jaebum said while facing you, as you looked at him with confusion.

"What?" You asked,

"You told Namjoon, I am gay! Right?" He replied, while Minhyuk's eyes widened. "And I suppose you told Yoongi about mine?"

"What more things did you say (Y/N)?" Minhyuk said hardly, nothing like how he usually sounds

"What the fuck are you two talking about?" You growled. 'These guys, I don't even understand what they're on about. They aren't even explaining anything'

"Dammit (Y/N), I thought I could trust you" Minhyuk said, tears forming in his eyes.

"So did I" Jaebum who rolled his eyes said.

Minhyuk whose tears was still fresh, walked out of the room.

"Your ass better come back here, and tell me what's wrong!" You demanded before he got out of the classroom.

"(Y/N), we're done" Jaebum said.

"What?! You too?" You asked, tears slowly forming in yours as well.

"You'll regret this guys" you sobbed, Jaebum walking out too

You felt a hand on your back, rubbing it slowly. "Dear, you need to get home" the voice said. You grabbed unto it/him/her, and cried your heart out, as he repeatedly said "they don't deserve you" and "I'm here, everything's gonna be alright"

'What the hell, I didn't even understand what they were fighting about' you thought as you chuckle miserably.

"Are you okay?" The manly voice said, it was Yoongi.

"P-please take me home" you said with a small voice.

"Okay. Just rest okay?" He said while carrying you like a princess, just like he always dreamed of.

Plan B version 2. Success

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