A Secret Way

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My OC might be in this and sorry if its delayed by sometime, my friend dragged me to do Roblox and I had to have a good excuse in order to get out. Anyway lets get on with this. YAAAA

Narrator's POV ((duh))

It had been a couple of months since the rumor of the Ultima had spread across Starlight, Aaron and his family have had to lay low otherwise Zack would say that it was his family that are of the Ultima family line.

Ever since Garroth and Aphmau had become werewolves, they've been forced to practice their werewolf abilities. Blaze teaching Garroth and Aaron teaching Aphmau. It isn't the best way to learn but at least they're slowly getting a grasp on it. Not that I would know, I'm just a narrator.

When rumors had been spreading that there's a secret area open so people can escape, but only one person can leave at a time.

Blaze had decided to investigate this, he searched and searched until he found them.

Blaze's POV

I was hiding behind a conveniently placed bush, spying on a girl who had a pixie cut and black clothing, leading one person to a boat. I heard that you have to say a secret word in order to get her to lead you there. Very few people have been trusted with this information, and others had overheard them.

I thought for a minute. Maybe me and Gar could get off this island.

No, that would be too risky, Kawaii~Chan would notice, along with Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel.

I thought for a while before leaving, keeping this to myself. I started to head back to my place when I heard a group of girls screaming. I turned around and apparently I have quite the group of fangirls.

I started to run when I saw Gar. "HELP!" I screamed.

"Get behind me!" He responded. I did as he said, my ears lowered indicating I was either sad or scared, more or less, scared.

"Out of the way blondie! We want that werewolf cutie~!" The lead girl started to march towards Gar. I saw his eyes glow an emerald green for a second, the girl raised an arm to push Garroth out of the say when her hand stopped, he grabbed her arm.

"What did you just call him?" He's pissed.

"A werewolf cutie~ And it's true!" She retorted without fear. Garroth's eyes glowed a brighter emerald green and he threw her hard into the group of girl, causing them all to fall.

"Get this right girls. Blazey is mine. And no one elses! So, b a c k   o f f." Yep he's pissed, no doubting that.

Garroth's POV

I felt my blood boiling the more she got closer. She raised her arm to smack me out of the way and my arm just reacted, I had grabbed her arm, and what she said before just got me pissed.

"What did you just call him?" I was too pissed to remind myself to take my medicine, I didn't care if I was late to take them, I didn't care what so ever. She just called my Blazey a werewolf cutie and I was not up for anyone to take him.

"A werewolf cutie~ And it's true!" She just screwed herself. I forgot that Blaze was there and I just acted without thinking, like I was no longer in control of myself, and all I could do was watch.

My arm pushed her into her group of friends, all of them fell with the impact. "Get this right girls. Blazey is mine. And no one elses! So, b a c k   o f f." I was so pissed to not even notice that my voice had deepened, like I was someone else.

All the girls nodded quickly, got up, and ran away. What cowards.

I heard a different voice but I just thought I was imagining things. I turned around and asked Blazey, "Are you okay?" he nodded but he looked more worried about me.

~Time skip brought to you by @PrinceWalrus~

Blaze's POV

Wow. I have never seen this side of Garroth, it was cool but really scary. When we got back to my place, I dragged him into my room and told him about the secret spot and that we should probably go. He said that the others should come with us but I had to disagree on that notion.

"Gar, if they go with us then Guy and nearly half of the island would probably notice! We have to go alone. You can go first or I can go first and either of us can meet on the the other side." I planned. Garroth protested and said that Kawaii~Chan would notice that we would have left.

Narrator's POV

After a while they finally decided to head out and leave the island, Garroth decided to go first and he had to wait for one whole day without his Blazey, but someone has been waiting for Garroth ever since he heard that no one was allowed to leave Starlight and no one was allowed to enter Starlight.

Who is the person? Comment who you like it is. Prince Walrus I am sure that you'll get it right! Sorry if it's short. It's 8 and I really want to just read other stories or go and play some games sooo bai dearies~

Glaze (Aphmau MyStreet Garroth x Blaze) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now