Chapter 18~Heartbreak

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Haley's P.O.V

"Promise is a big word Kian, and I can't promise anything" I said

"Haley please I hate to see you like this, I hate seeing you hurt with tears running down your face, and sad eyes I just hate it. Please just stop it for Sam, Andrea, Jenn, Rebecca, for pete sake Haley just stop for me!" Kian exclaimed, as he rested a hand on my knee.

Sam watched him with wide eyes.

This is why I love Kian, he is just so sweet, and kind. He is also the bestest friend in the world.

"Kian" I said just above a whisper.

Before I had time to continue Andrea, and Jenn bursted through the door again.

"You guys are taking to long" Jenn said

"Leave us with the girl" Andrea screamed

Sam gave me a look that said 'are you going to be ok?' I nodded, and watched as they got up, and left.

"Oh, honey look at your face" Andrea said

"Let's wash it" Jenn came back with a wet cloth, and wiped my face which I'm assuming was dripping with running mascara.

"Thanks" I said, laughing a little

"See that's what I love. I love that smile" Jenn said

"Forget about him Haley" Andrea announced

"I can't Andrea. I thought I loved him, and I thought he felt the same. Then he goes, and cheats on me with some girl he probably didn't even know. What did I do to deserve this" I said, tears streaming down my face while I shove my face in my pillow.

"You did nothing" Jenn said rubbing my back

"Common, lets forget of him who should not be named, and let's have a movie festival!!!" Adrea said pulling out a bunch of movies, and three tubs of ice cream with three big spoons. Hopefully tonight will get better.

Kian's P.O.V

I shut the door to Haley's room as me, and Sam walked to his. I'm still wondering what Haley had to say before we were rudely interrupted. I sat on Sam's bed as he shut the door, and gave me a weird look.

"What?" I ask

"What you said" he said, as I gave him a look to continue

"What you said to Haley, you were going emotional on her" he continued

"Sam can I be honest with you" I say as he nods

"It tears me apart to see her like this. It physically hurts me to see her in this much pain, and to see herself harm herself hurts even worse Sam. She's killing me"

"I know Kian, but what can you do. We can try, and try to help her, but if she doesn't want to stop, there is nothing we can do. But let's just say, Connor is gonna pay for what he did" Sam says

"Agreed" I added

For the rest of the night we just talked until we both fell asleep.

Haley's P.O.V

It's about 1:30am, and let's just say I look like hell. I have almost a hundred used tissues surrounding me, my eyes are blood shot, and I can tell my hair is a mess. For the last couple of hours me, Andrea, and Jenn have been watching movies, and eating ice cream while every now, and then I would cry. Their now both fast asleep. But me I can't sleep. Why you ask. Well il tell you. If you haven't already found out my boyfriend cheated on me, and my heart is beaten up. It just hurts so much. I can't believe he would do this. I scroll through my phone to see 21 missed calls and 56 missed messages. 13 messages from Ricky, 7 from Andrea, 5 from Trevor, 9 from Kian, 8 from Sam, and the rest from Connor. I don't even bother answering, or reading them, that's tomorrows job.

As I scroll through Twitter I start to hear footsteps walking down the hall. I thought everything was fine till my door knob started to move, and slowly but shirley my door started to open, and you will never guess who is standing before me.


Hey guys hope you like chapter 18. Sorry it's short I usually write longer. Anyways did you guys hear about the whole kiandrea thing? I was literally crying when I found out I hope it's not true. Anyways...

What's gonna happen next?

Who is at her door?

What is Sam and Kian going to do to Connor?

Will Haley ever trust someone again?

What do you want to happen in chapter 19?

Ok guys for a new update this chapter has to get at least 2 comments and 1 vote.

Also I will be looking at the comments for the last question for any ideas



Hope you enjoyed chapter 18

Your fello fanfic writer is out ✌️

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