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Sangs pov

I was so right not to let Jason come with me. He shouldn't have to go through this. This is my problem not his.  I will tell him later but I'm not gonna fight this I have no fight left in me. He might not understand but this is what I want.

Later at the diner.....

"Hey uncle" ugh my voice sounds off. I play it off with a big fake grin I plaster on my face.

"Little bird I didnt think you were coming in today" he give me a bear hug.

"wouldnt miss a day without a good reason"

"A doctors appointment is always important little bird now how did it go" he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Went fine uncle just a routine checkup" I lie through my teeth. I hate lying to uncle but he would make me change my mind and I don't want to. He will understand.

"Are you sure little bird" his eyes hold nothing but love and concern.

" of course uncle, so where is Jason" 

" he went home I think, but little bird you should of let him go with you today"

" I know uncle but I don't think he would enjoy comping with me every month"

"I know but he loves you just think about it little bird"

" ok uncle lets get to work" 

*short but I'm working on the next chapter**

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