Part of team 10

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Mia's p.o.v
Who is calling me at 12 pm don't people understand I need sleep.
Mia: Hello?
Tessa: Mia did u just wake up?
Mia: well u woke me up by calling me.
Tessa: whatever just get a suitcase and start packing.
Mia: why?
Tessa because u are moving into the team 10 house with me.
Mia: u do know Im 16 and mom won't let me.
Tessa: I just told her and she said it was fine as long as you live with me.
Mai: where am I going to sleep and what did jake say?
Tessa: he said it was fine and you are sleeping with me and Alissa .
Mia: when is my flight?
Tessa: tomorrow at 6am.
Tessa: neels give me my phone back I'm talking to my little sister.
Mia: Hey neels!
Neels: Hey Mia! So are u coming to L.A?
Mia: well I mean I didn't really have a choice.
Neels: true anyways I gotta go or else Tessa is gonna kill me.
Mia: k bye say bye to Tessa for me.
After packing u decided to go to your best friends house or your only friends house u guys were really close since she knew you since before u got famous unlike the other kids at school who wanted to be your friend just to get famous. The kids at school is one of the reason why u decided to get homeschooled.
At friends house
Mia: Riley I have to tell u something.
Riley: what is it?
Mia: I'm so sorry.
Riley: what did u do. Wait don't tell me u killed someone.
Mia: no I would never do that.
Riley: then what is it.
Mia: I am moving to L.A!
Riley: when?
Mia: tomorrow.
Riley: but we will still be friends right.
Mia: yeah of course!
Next morning at 4:45am
Mom: Mia wake up we have to go to the airport soon.
U got up and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower put a little makeup and then put your hair up in a bun. Then left to the airport.
At L.A
Mia: Tessa!
Tessa:Mia! Let's go home.
When u guys got to the team 10 house u saw a lot of people but one caught your eye but u hugged neels first since u guys have always been friends.
Aj's p.o.v
I saw a girl come in with Tessa who I'm guessing was Tessa's sister since she said her sister was moving in. She was flawless .when she was done introducing herself she went around getting everyone's name and shaking their hand, when she got to me and she shaked my hand I started to feel my cheeks getting red and I saw that she didn't notice but Alex did and I knew he was going to tease me about me blushing later.
Mia's p.o.v
Jake: Hey I'm Jake.
Chance: I'm chance.
Anthony: I am Anthony:
Alissa: I'm Alissa.
Lucas: dobre, Lucas dobre
Mai: smooth.
Marcus: my name is Marcus.
Emilio: yo soy Emilio .(I'm Emilio)
Ivan: soy Ivan.(I'm Ivan)
Mia: encantada de conocerte.(nice to meet you)
Alissa: you know Spanish ?
Mia: yeah I'm bilingual do i can speak fluent Spanish and fluent English and I know a little French.
Neels: I'm Neels but you already knew that.
Nick: I'm nick.
Alex: I'm Alex and I can speak French.
Mia: Je suis Mia.( I am Mia)
Aj: I'm Aj and I only speak English.
Mia: nice to meet you Aj.
Jake: Anyways do I have any talents?
Mia: i can dance.
Jake: anything else.
Mia: nope just that.
Tessa: she's lying.
Mia: no I'm not.
Tessa: she can also sing.
Mia: no I can't.
Tessa: she can she just doesn't like to admit it.
Jake: that's great Aj is a singer.
Mia: that's great but I can't sing.
Tessa: I have a video to prove it.
Tessa got her phone out and played a video of you singing. When the video was done playing you just stood there twirling your hair and your cheeks getting really red while they all stood there in awe with their mouths wide open .
Jake: she lied! Jake said pointing at you.
Mia: I didn't lie I can't sing.
Alex: that's like saying music doesn't exist.
Jake: OMG I just got an idea!
Mia: mind telling us?
Jake: you and Aj should do a cover and post it on the team 10 YouTube Channel.
Tessa: that's a great idea!
Aj: I'm down.
Mia: Sure why not.
Tessa: I knew you would agree.
Mia: anyways Jake.
Jake: yes.
Mia: if you ever try to wake me up before 10am by pranking me I swear to god I will make sure you will never have any mini jakes running around.
Tessa: she's not lying just ask neels what happened when he woke her up.
Jake: Neels what happened when you woke Mia up?
Neels: she made me cry.
Jake: how?
Neels: she slapped me across the face which to let you know she slaps hard and she also got up and kicked my crotch, and that's was the first time I cried in front of a girl who wasn't my mom.
Jake: I promise to never wake you up before 10am.
Mia: great! Anyways I'm gonna go upstairs do some unpacking then some school then I might take a nap. Also I'm gonna take a shower so where is my room and where is the bathroom.
Tessa: I'll show you where it is.
As Tessa was showing me our room and where the bathroom is she asked what I think so far
Tessa: what do you think so far.
Mia: it's great everyone seems nice.
Tessa: what about Aj?
Mia: what about him?
Tessa: i know you think he's cute, I can tell when my little sister has a crush.
Mia: I might but I might not.
Tessa: ohh get it.
Mia: can u please get out I have to take a shower and then do school.
Tessa: fine but we will talk about this more.
Mia: no we won't.

A/n: word count 1018. Hey guys this is my Aj  Mitchell story and this is my second story on Wattpad my first is a Zach Herron story and I  am gonna work on and updating schedule now that I have two story's so I might update this once a week same with my other story. Anyways I need a ship name for Mia and Aj So leave some ship names.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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