Bang bang/ Danny Phantom

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It was a normal day, you and your boyfriend Danny were walking with Sam and Tucker talking about what you all were doing over the summer

(y/n)'s p.o.v 

 "So (y/n) what were planing to do this summer" "Well Danny I was hoping to hang with my boyfriend and my best friends" I told Danny as he grabbed my hand "We (y/n/n) you're gonna need to re-think those plans cause i'm going on a family vacation this summer" Sam told us . I shed a tear as I pulled her in for a hug and whispered " Thanks for leaving me with the guys, bitch"  she punched me lightly in the back and we went back to walking till tucker spoke up. " Guys, I have to say i'm going on one too" I smiled a little thinking I had Danny all to myself but I hid that smile so tucker didn't think I was happy he was leaving, cause I wasn't. "Well looks like its just you and me this summer, babe" Danny said putting his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into his side a little while he chuckled 

------------Time skip to after school------------ still (y/n)'s p.o.v--------

Me and Danny said goodbye to Sam and Tucker as we headed for my house. We were not even a block away when someone jumped out from the ally in-front of us and pointed a gun at us and said "Give me your money" I stood behind Danny in shock "GIVE ME YOUR FUCKING MONEY" The gunman shouted louder. That's when Danny went ghost and re-appeared  behind the gunman before he punched him in the face and knocked him out. Danny proceeded to run towards me and hug me ever so tight  as he whispered in my ear "I never, EVER want to lose you"  he pulled away and kissed me. It was the sweetest kiss I had ever had, after what felt like forever but was only like 20 seconds we pull apart and to my surprise he picked me up bridal style and carried me the rest of the way home, telling me how much he loved me and how he doesn't deserve me but i was just getting lost in his blue eyes thinking "How on earth did I get so lucky that this beautiful human loves me"  

A.N: so how was this I tried so give me some credit and some to my friend  dragonmaster1231

she helped me think of the title cause shes awesome. I will take requests just pm me with the character/ show and what you want it to be about. I'll try to do as many as I can so bare with me cause I don't know when i'll get to every ones requests but thanks for the support.

[word cont, story only = 388/ everything = 471]

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