Nerdy/Josh Nichols

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(pic is Lucy)                                                                                                                                                                              (Lucy's P.O.V)                 

Trying to walk faster than a somewhat fit teenage boy is quite hard, especially when you forget your headphones so he knows you hear him calling your name. I eventually give up my fight and he runs up next to me "shit lu" Drake Parker my next door neighbour said trying to catch his breath "What's up with you, why didn't you wait for me?" hummmm I don't maybe cause I had a horrible day and don't need you hitting on me when I clearly like Josh a hell of a lot more than you but I will never tell you that  "I thought you still had detention, I promised your mom I would help get Megan off the bus" "MEGAN" we said in unison as he and Josh's little sister is the LITERAL spawn of Satan himself. ...annnnyway we finally made it to my house and I threw my stuff in the door and then walked next door to see Josh was already home "Hey lu, whatcha doing here?" holy shit Josh talked to me....oh well ya, of course, he would I just walked into his house, okay lucy answer or you'll look crazy. " Your mom asked me to help get Megan off the bus, she thought you would be working and drake was still in detention" He nodded in my direction and smiled. "well....since Josh and I are home do you wanna come upstairs and watch me practice my new song?" I looked drake in the eyes, he was hopeful but I shook my head no 

"Nah I think I'm okay, I'll stay down here with Josh and keep my promise to your mom" and sat down in a chair by the t.v  "so why aren't you at work, Joshy?" that's the name I called him since we met, idk why though it just fit. He cleared his throat "Helen heard me sneeze and sent me home" classic Helen. I shivered where I sat my back was to the window and its November, now true we live in San Diego CA but it was quite windy here and I was under the ac that was on for some reason. "oh shit lu, if your cold you could have said something, i only have one blanket, but we can share..." he seemed concerned then shy.....he's never shy, with me at least.  I got up and walked over to the spot next to him on the couch he let me under the blanket and I put my head on his shoulder, he tensed up then relaxed, strange, as he flipped through the channels something caught my eye. I jumped a little and it scared him. "oh god sorry Joshy, but I saw the chess match I really wanted to see. Can we watch it, pwease?" he looked at me in shock "you like chess?" he smirked, since when does he know how to do that?  I blushed a little and smiled into the blanket... "ya, I have since I was like 6, it was something me and my dad did together"  he chuckled "okay we'll watch but you have to tell me your all-time favourite player" "Deal! it's Anatoly Karpov" "omg you're a nerd"  I giggled and he chuckled again and put on the chess match. We watched for about 15 minutes, and still no Megan, I guess she's taking the late bus at 4. it's 3:30 so I got 30 more minutes with Josh and only 15 in the chess match. 

The match ended and I didn't really pay attention to the game I was kind of falling asleep on Josh but he didn't mind. he sighed and started talking "I can't believe I'm gonna say this but your asleep and can't hear me, but I fucking love you so much and can never tell you cause your gonna run to drake like they all do" my breathing stopped but resumed, I opened my eyes and pretended like I just woke up...... "what time is it?" I asked sleepily  "oh morning sleepy head, it's 3:45, Megan texted me she's taking the late bus so she'll be here at 4-ish maybe sooner" Just like I thought. I got up to get a bottle of water and took a sip as I sat back down a little closer to Josh this time. I sat up, leaned in and kissed his cheek "I love you to doof" He sighed, I can finally do this he crashed his lips to mine and it felt like 4th of July. I wanted to stay like that forever, but Megan's bus honked outside. Drake yelled down the stairs "Was that Megan's bus?" Josh opened his mouth to say something but I covered it to kiss his nose and say "I got this baby, (*yelling*)No drake it's your dream clown he came to ask you to prom" Josh laughed out loud and Drake came running down the stairs to see me and Josh cuddling he brushed it off and went to get Megan.

*2 years later*

still, lucy's Pov

today is Josh and I's anniversary so Josh got me a giant teddy bear, he put it in my room. Most people didn't think we would last through  high school but here we are in college, well, one of us and swear I saw the bear move, I don't know how it got there but the card said it was from Josh and it had out sign off on the bottom 

"dear Lulu, you know I love you but since nothing is big enough to represent that, here's a gigantic bear. 143 nerdy"

143 means I love you, based on how many letters in each word, just as I was gonna say something the bear stood up and it was Josh. "Joshy what the fuck, you scared me" "oh shit sorry baby but I wanted to surprise you, We've been together for a long time and I really like you, hell I love you and I don't want it any other way so will you be nerdy with me forever and marry me?" I started crying an shaking my head and screaming "yes! yes! of course, 1000 time yes! put that ring on my finger" once I stopped crying I noticed the ring box looked like a book with two slots one said player one and was empty but player two was there and it looked beautiful. 

(it's like this but imagine a girls ring in the player two slot and it's more harry potter or chess-themed they only have Mario for some reason

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(it's like this but imagine a girls ring in the player two slot and it's more harry potter or chess-themed they only have Mario for some reason...shmr) 

After that, we just cuddled in silence until Josh asked: "So future Mrs.Nichols how does it feel to be engaged?" "like the nerdiest thing we've done!" I said with a smile hearing my future husband chuckle. 


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