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You know that feeling when all you want to do is scream and cry all alone. You know that feeling that feels like it'll never go away and only one person can make you feel better. You know that feeling that takes a hold of your heart and squeezes it so hard you feel like you can't breathe. That's pure sadness. To be sad is one thing but to truly feel sad is torture.
People can make you sad, you can make yourself sad. Sadness is that feeling that is so similar to others it's hard to know when you're truly upset.
People often associate crying with sadness but the truth is you can cry when your mad and when your happy. Crying has no one meaning in fact it has many. Just like sadness does. Sadness effects different people in different ways, it may even force you to realize what is actually going on in your life. Or it can completely confuse you.
Hidden sadness. You don't always know when someone's sad, mostly because sadness is coupled with weakness and weakness is seen as a bad thing in society. Being weak is a sign that your human, sometimes you need to just breath and not worry about what everyone else will think, you just need to let go and pour out into someone.
Imagine you are a bottle. Every time you are upset by something water is poured into you. If you don't allow yourself to pour into someone else you will blow. You will be so sad you can't function. Then you will be cleaned up and and thrown away. No one can help you if you won't let go of some water.
Sadness ends if you let it end, but if you don't it won't stop. It's not easy to stop being sad, nothings easy. Life is hard, dying is hard, letting go is hard, love is hard, everything in this world this universe is hard so get over it. No one is gonna forever be sorry for you that's just life, it sounds harsh but think about it. Nothing is forever, everything comes to an end.
Why would you waste your time being sad? Life ends so why not do everything you can to make it the best life you can. Once it's over it's over there is no going back so you have one shot at enjoying the good and the bad times.

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