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Hey! so this is our first attempt at a real story and I don't know if it's even gonna be that good but whatever enjoy lovelies~

K & E


"Emma! get up its 7:45."

My mom's voice boomed throughout my bedroom as she forced me awake. I groaned in a annoyance but slowly peeled away the blanket. I grumbled as I sat up while wiping the sleep from eyes. I sighed heavily and glanced at the clock that hung above the small picture frame. Sure enough it was 7:48.

I groaned once again and swung my feet to the side of the bed. They dangled almost touching the floor as I pushed myself off the twin sized bed. I yawned before standing and stretching, small noises escaping my lips.

The sun was shining brightly, the light leaking through my blinds. I turned to face my dresser mirror just to see the horrid results that came from a restless night. My dark brown hair was sticking up and tangled all around my head. I patted it down attempting to tame it. But unfortunately that didn't work at all. I rolled my eyes and began to trudge to the bathroom.

I flipped on the light switch and locked the door behind me. I swung open the mirror cabinet and plucked out my blue toothbrush and toothpaste. I turned the faucet on cold and stared to brush my teeth. The toothpaste was minty and woke me from my drowsiness. I made sure that I scrubbed every inch before I finished.

When I was done I placed my toiletries back to their rightful place and walked back into my room. I closed the door behind me when I stepped in. My room was small. Almost the size of a giant coat closet. My bed was shoved in the corner along with a nightstand and my dark dresser against the wall. And even though all my things were stuffed inside, it still felt so...empty.

Once my hair is tamed and I look presentable, I run out the front door and start up my Jeep. I know my mom is gone by now and plan to call her later today during lunch to check up on her. The radio blasts "Heartbreak Girl" by 5SOS and I sing along in approval. I drive down 3 blocks to my very own hell, Yorktown Highschool.

As I walk up the concrete path, an unfamiliar face walking past, catches my eye. But before I can react Taylor, my best friend, skips to my side. Her long caramel brown hair fell onto her shoulders as she hopped beside me. Her face plastered in her signature, happy smile.

"Hey girl!" She chirped. I smiled at her "hey."

My mind still seemed to be set on that stranger who stood only a few feet from us gazing down at a piece of paper. His dark eyebrows furrowed in concentration. I couldn't hold it in. I was very curious now.

"Taylor, who is that?" I ask my best friend, anxious for her answer.

"I think his name's Jasper? He's new from Alabama," she responds "didn't you listen to Mrs. Smyth when she told us about him on Friday?"

Friday? oh yah, I had a ton of homework to do. I must have been to focused on homework to listen. I just shrugged at her.

I stared at him some more. From the side his jaw looked very defined and strong. His dark, messy brown hair falling slightly over his eyes. He wore a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. His skin was pale in contrast to his dark features and clothes. He was very handsome. But I had a boyfriend. Although, I still wondered if I had any classes with him. I was very loyal to Cole though, we had been dating since freshman year and now we were graduating in only a few months.

My thoughts are ended by the bell, telling us to go into the school.

Taylor dragged me inside, my arm hooked with hers. She talked my ear off as we made our way through the crowd of teenagers. Thankfully, we parted ways to go to our lockers. I twisted the lock around and it clicked open. I shoved my book bag in trying to avoid touching the people that surrounded me. I quickly grabbed my things for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th period and hurried into the classroom. I take my seat in homeroom, where Jasper is chatting with my teacher, Mrs. Smyth.

"This is Jasper Richmond, he's come here from Alabama. " She announced.

His face held a cold scowl, like he despised being here and everyone else. I couldn't blame him though, it was high school for fucks sake.

I gaze at his soft blue eyes, hoping to God he would pick a seat anywhere else but the one next to mine. I am so caught up in my own mind that I don't notice him approach me.

" Hey. Is this seat taken?" he says, notioning towards the chair next to me. My eyes widen at his sudden appearance.

" N-no. " is all I can stammer out.

"Cool." he mutters, his words sending chills up my spine as he takes the seat.

While we wait for the 1st period bell Jasper tries to make conversation.

"So what's it like living in shitty ol' Yorktown?" he says quietly in his smooth accent.

"Well if you like inhaling corndust and everyone up everyone else's ass, it's great." I reply dryly, making him chuckle. His smile causing me to giggle a bit as well. We continue to make small talk for the rest of the hour. Only a few awkward silences passing. Which is an accomplishment on my part.

The bell rings and I get up grabbing my things. As I hastily scurry to the doorway his voice stops me. "Hey, I um didn't get your name."

"Oh, it's Emma." I breathed, trying to sound as cool as possible.

"See ya 'round, Emma." I feel a small smile creep on my lips, the way he says my name is kind of funny.

I walk down the hallway to Mr. Burkhart's advanced lit. class and plop down in my usual seat. Cole looks at me from across the room and winks. He flashes his famous sparkling smile.

I wink back and put on a cheesy smile. Today he's wearing a pink polo shirt and white khaki shorts paired with loafers. His blonde hair was slicked to the side, not a single hair out of place. Even from over here is green eyes sparkled.

But no matter his beauty, I didn't get crazy butterflies like I used to. We had lost our fiery passion, or at least I did. I liked to think he felt the same too. But either way, I still loved him. I think I love him at least. Whatever the situation, he was there for me and I was there for him. We saved each other countless times and I was extremely grateful for him. I think we just needed a jumpstart again. Like when we first met. A new beginning.

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