Chapter 3

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My breathing slowed as I made my way through the halls and out to the cafeteria.

I couldn't keep my mind off of that stupid letter. It's unbelievable that they would just throw around a suggestion like that. Honestly, I don't want any help. I don't like the thought of someone hearing all my thoughts and knowing my weaknesses and fears. It makes me so feel...vulnerable. And now that I've learned my lesson on trusting people, I don't plan on just giving up information like that.

I threw my books into my locker and grabbed the my lunch bag.

I took my time walking to the cafeteria enjoying the peace that engulfed the halls. I stopped by the bathrooms to catch a quick drink before I ate.

I hooked my arm through the bag strap and bent down to get a drink. I pressed on the button, cool water rushing out and wetting my lips. I sipped the water and let it calm down my nerves.

I indulged in the cold water letting it rush onto my lips. That is, until footsteps came from behind me. I straightened up and wiped my mouth, quickly stepping away. I adjusted the strap and started down the hallway.

"Hey, Emma right?" a voice called from behind me.

I cringed and turned around. It was Jasper. Of course.

I faked a smile and briefly waved at him before turning back around.

"You don't have to leave, I just wanted to talk." That's exactly why I want to leave.

But if course my manners got the best of me and I forced myself back to him, giving a stiff smile.

A smirk was painted on his lips leaving the indent of a dimple on his left cheek. "Hi" he greeted once again.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, um hi." For some reason I didn't feel comfortable around him. He was nice and all but something was

He shook his head at my stiff posture. "Relax okay? I don't bite."

I rolled my eyes. Of course, thank goodness, I thought you were going to bite me. Phew!

He ran his fingers through his hair. "So, do you have any siblings?" He randomly asked.

"Two brothers and a sister" I nodded.

He bit his lip and nodded also. "Got a favorite?"

I thought for a moment. My little brother, Aaron, was annoying,  but hilarious. Andrew, my older brother was just plain stupid. The oldest of us was Kate, she seemed to be in a bit of a bad place right now, plus she doesn't even live in Yorktown. I haven't seen her in like two years.

"Aaron, I guess, he's the youngest" I answered truthfully.

He held up a finger and dug through his pocket. He pulled out a small white package. I studied it more closely. It had a golden camel on the front. He smirked at my curiosity and popped open the little box. Cigarettes! He had cigarettes in school? What hell does he think he's doing with those?

"Why do you have those in school?!" I whispered harshly.

He let out a chuckle. "I need a smoke, school's rough yah know" he explained like it was totally normal. He plucked one out and stuck it between his lips.

As he struggled to find his lighter I grabbed the cigarette from his mouth. "No, you'll get in trouble. Plus it's bad for you" I scolded. But that didn't seem to make him very happy at all.

His soft blue eyes turned dark. "Give it back" his voice was low. I shook my head and tucked a limp piece of hair behind my ear. He shook his head and stepped towards me. "Give. It." His height towered over me. His eyes dark and menacing as he pushed me into the bathroom. The men's room.

I gasped as I hit my back to the wall, my failed attempt at escaping. He stood in front of me. His fists clenched and muscles very prominent. "Now, Emma, or else."

I gulped and mustered up all my bravery. "No" I tried to demand but it came out more as a plead. He gritted his teeth and ripped the bag from my shoulder throwing it to the floor.

My eyes flickered helplessly to my cupcake covered lunch bag. He took one stride toward me and pinned my wrists above my head. He bowed his head into my neck. I felt a wave of hot air blow onto my neck as he took a deep breathe.

"Mmm, you smell like vanilla" he breathed.

I shuddered at his intensity. I wiggled my arms around to try and escape but his grip only grew tighter. I winced in pain as I felt a pinch on my neck. I felt the warm sensation of his tongue on my skin. He bit at the soft skin and gently kissed it. Goosebumps raised all over my body.

"" I whimpered quietly to him. He only chuckled into my hair.

"I've started and now I can't stop." Suddenly his lips moved to my jaw line. He peppered kisses under my ear and jaw. My knees felt weak and I knew that they would've given out by now if he wasn't holding me against the wall.

I could smell his hot breath. It was a mixture of cigarettes and coffee. He pressed his body against mine. He groaned in pleasure in the fact that my chest was pressed against his. His grip loosened in pleasure.

I took my chance. I brought my knee up and rammed it right into his manhood. He growled in pain and fell to his knees. I swiped my bag and sprinted out of the bathroom. As I ran through the halls a million questions flew through my mind.

Why did he kiss me? Does he know I have a boyfriend? Did he think it was just okay to molest me?!

Either way the only thing important right now was getting away from him.

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