Chapter 14

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"Go before the Decepticons find me and find you! Jetfire yelled as the humans all ran down the mountain and down to the now transformed Alt modes of the others. " You two be careful, alright?" Jetfire asked us as we went to follow. Light and I stopped and looked at the others as they made their way across the desert.

Once we were sure they were a way away, we both threw ourselves at the mech, wrapping our arms around him. "You know us, Jetfire" Light spoke, his voice muffled a small bit. "We'll be fine" I finished as we tightened our grip and let go. Jetfire dropped his arms back to his sides and looked at us with a sad and happy expression. "I'm glad I got to see you two all grown up" He said quietly, letting his soft side show. "OK, don't get all sentimental about us now, Old Bot" Light teased before dodging a well-placed cane.

"I can still do some damage, mechling" Jetfire returned playfully as us twins chuckled lightly. "That you can" I pointed out before looking back at the others as they continued to tear through the desert. "Watch after that human, the Decepticons will stop at nothing to use him. And kick Megatron's Aft when you see him next. He deserves it" Jetfire spoke, rubbing both our helms gently before pushing us away. "Will do, Jetfire!" I called to him before we climbed down the mountain.

"You be careful...Old Bot!" Light yelled, quickly running away when he turned and saw that Jetfire had grabbed a servo sized rock and was about to throw it at him. "Ahhh!" He screamed before turning into his smaller bipedal mode, ducking the rock before it buried itself into the san right in front of him. I shook my helm at the pair's antics and waved a servo in goodbye before transforming into my For Raptor.

Light growled playfully, turning around and shaking a servo at Jetfire who was roaring with laughter. He turned back around and transformed into his own alt mode, which was a 2016 Shelby F-150; pearl white with turquoise lines. He then sped past me, throwing sand up at me as he laughed. I growled, engine roaring, as I tore after him. We raced each other to the others, catching up rather quickly.

 We raced each other to the others, catching up rather quickly

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(Light's Other Alt Mode. Same as always, imagine the dark blue as turquoise. I really like that the stripes match his other Alt Mode to a T)

We followed a sand path until it joined onto a road which we hopped onto and followed instead. Apparently, Simmons and Sam had found where we 'supposedly' had to go, so that was where we were heading. That was until the cops showed up. We followed behind one of the twins as Bumblebee sped up and made for a small town, hoping to lose them in there.

From our spot at the back of the pack, we could still hear Leo panicking inside of Bumblebee who was at the front. We entered the town and quickly made our way through before turning down an alleyway and stopping. The humans quickly got out and hid behind a corner, all of us bots transforming. Bumblebee, Skids and Mudflap all stood and looked around for somewhere to hide, not finding anything.

"Oh my Primus..." I murmured watching them look around hurriedly. I looked at the way we had come and noticed the tunnel like structure and scaled it professionally. Light praised me for the quick thinking over the bond and followed after me and called for the others. Bumblebee did well to climb and hang on along with one of the twins. The other had to be held by Light and Bee upside down.

"This is just called blending like a ninja" Mudflap said making me roll my optics. "How about I lay my piss in your face" Skids shot back making Mikaela and Sam cringe. Mikaela had a clothe over her face and ducked out, taking point. "They're gone" She said giving the others the all clear. The bots looked about ready to drop down and make a lot of noise in celebration.

"Hold position" I said sternly, probably sounding like Optimus from the looks I received from the others, including Light and the humans. "How are you gonna make the call to Lennox?" Sam asked Simmons out of no where. Light and I looked down at them with confusion. "You are in the worldwide. What, they're gonna tranquil in one base? They'll track you here in seconds. CIA is all over this place" Simmons returned quietly staring at Sam.

"Your gonna make the call" Sam stated with a 'dud' tone. "Okay, that's a good idea" Simmons agreed, nodding his head, still staring at Sam. "Alright?" Sam asked making sure he wasn't gonna have a heart attack "I mean, I was just...My mind was on other things. Like, why don't you get being chipped in Prison?" Simmons commented before mumbling others as he made his way to the conveniently placed pay phone.

"Lennox, Im with the kid. The kid, you know? The one with the attitude break, oh and the obnoxious twins" Simmons stated. "Hey!" Light and I whisper yelled at him making the other bots chuckle. Light and I snapped our helms around at them, glaring daggers, they quickly shut up.

"I need the truck. The truck. We got a possible resurrection going on over here. Your not gonna believe where we are. Code Tot, as in King Tutankhamen, back of the one-dollar bill. Coordinates for Air-Drop 29.5 North, 34.88 East. Get it? Write it down. I gotta go" Simmons finished, slamming the phone back into its place.

We watched, high alert, as a human male ran from underneath us and over to the others with a clothe around his head. "W-Wait, who are you?" Sam asks, right before the pay phone finally gives way and crashes to the ground. "It's Leo" Light and I groan as Leo says the exact same thing except with a 'Dumbass' at the end. The bots all scramble down at the noise of sirens, transforming for the humans.

Light and I climb down silently as the humans hop into Bumblebee. Light transforms into his other bipedal mode and into his Shelby Mustang whilst I transformed into my alt mode. Bumblebee takes lead again as we all barrel out of the other side of the alleyway and down the road, out of town.

'You excited?' Light asked over our bond as I drove behind him. 'Yeah, with the calculations I've done, despite being only rough calculations considering the resources we have, it's possible to revive Optimus' I replied, shutting my emotions away so I don't have another break down in front of the others again. 'You know that's not what I meant' Light spoke, nudging me over the bond. I vented sadly, giving in. 'Yeah, I know. I just...I just miss him and really want him back' I replied quietly.

'It's alight, Shadow. We'll get him back, it's Sam's destiny after all' Light reminded me happily with a slight tone of expectancy that I didn't understand. 'Yeah, I hope your right' I said, sending love through our bond which I received back. 'Oh, I know I am. Primus didn't block us for nothing' Light spoke with a chuckle as I realised why he had that tone.

'I dislike how you do that, Light. It's like you know what's going through my processor'  Primus mumbled happily, breaking into our bond. Light only laughed more as I chuckled realising that Primus had meant to give the information away. 'And there's your answer, Shadow. The one and only Primus, proving me correct!' Light spoke as Primus gasped in playful surprise and betrayal.

'You tricked me! Ugh, I should have know! Now, Shadow's surprise is ruined!' He cried playfully as I laughed happily. 'Thanks guys' I said, mentally hugging the two mechs to death. 'It's alright, Young One' Primus replied before leaving. 'See! Light always Prevails!' Light chuckled as we slowed to a stop. 'Oh Yay! A checkpoint! Let's watch Sam work his way out of this one' Light observed, resting down on his tyres in front of me.

We watched as a small munchkin person climbed down the steps of the small tower and came up beside Bumblebee, running a small grubby finger up his paint. Light growled lightly over our bond before mumbling about how that single action would have just ruined Bee's paint and then continuing onto how if the munchkin did the same to him, there would be no mercy.

We watch as the munchkin goes from looking pissed to surprised then incredibly happy and excited. 'What. The. Pits. Just. Happened?' Light asked in disbelief over the bond, taking a second pause with each word. 'Well, it seems they worked their way out of that one' I teased Light as we drove through the checkpoint.I moved my mirrors around looking for anything suspicious.'They had camera's!' I yelled at Light. He passed the message to Bee receiving a 'I know' in return.

'Tell Bee to knock it up a notch or we'll have Decepticons on our tail pipes before we can even sneeze!' I followed up making Light laugh loudly as he relayed the message to Bee through his laughter. We continued towards where Sam and Simmons wanted us to go, picking up the pace a small bit. At nightfall we took a break at an abandoned building for the night. 

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