Chapter 5

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"Just park in the bushes, Bee. Ill go in and get him" I argued as the Autobot Scout carefully drove into the college campus. Bumblebee and I had been arguing over how to go about getting a certain teenager from a party. Why said teenager was at a party was beyond both of us. He had a happy girlfriend-That he absolutely adored, was unsocial (compared to normal people) and couldn't drink alchohol due to being underage. Bumblebee had suggested that he park somewhere and set his alarms off and watch in amusement as Sam paniced. I suggested parking in the bushes outside of the building, so Sam would panic when everyone finally noticed and realised that the vehicle was sort of his. 

Bee listened and parked in the bushes outside of the building holding the party and let me out. I gently closed the driver's door before unnoticeably jumping at the sound of Bee's car alarms. "Great..."I muttered under my breath as I walked up the steps and into the building. "Who drove the freaking yellow camaro?" A tanned male in a tight white shirt yelled, looking around at everyone with a cold glare. I smirked when I caught Sam's eye and watched as he visibly pailed and ran to me, hurriedly pushing me with him outside. He let go of my back when we reached the door's and threw himself at Bee. "What are you doing? Sam quietly asked as he stuck his head through the driver's window. "Houston we have a problem" Bumblebee replied through the radio.

"Freshman! That your car in our bushes?" The same male asked from the steps, with his shorter pailer friend beside him on the next step. "Uh- No, this-this is a friend of mine's. He just went to uh...get you a tighter shirt" Sam stuttered pointing in a random direction. "There isn't a tighter shirt. We checked" The pailer male exclaimed, giving his bro a fist bump. "Now how about I park my foot in your ass?" He asked threateningly. "What size shoe do you wear?" Sam asked, looking genuinely curious, or scared, either way. "Yeah? Oh-" The pailer male answered, beginning his journey over to Sam before I stepped in. 

"As much fun as that sounds. There will be no parking of feet" I spoke in an irish accent, pushing on the male's chest to tell him to back off. "Lucky your girlfriend's here or i'd have kicked your ass" He mumbled looking down at my hand. "I'll back it up right now" Sam added, opeing Bee's driver dorr and hoping in. "You have a ride? Bro, why you holding out on us?" A curly haired male asked, somehow reminding me of a certain Ex-Sector Seven Agent. "I've only known you 17 hours" Sam replied. I rolled my eyes before hopping into the back seat and sprawling across the seat's with my leg's curled into the footwell of the driver's side. 

"This is gonna really change our lives. You hvae no idea" The male added from outside. "I love Camaro's" A female voice stated. I opened my eyes and looked at the window near my head, realising quickly that their was indeed a girl poking her head through and trying to flirt. "I can't do this right now, okay?" Sam answered groaning beforehand. I scoffed at the idea of Sam cheating on Mikaela, hopefully knowing that we'd both kick his ass if he did. "Don't be a wimp" The female finalised, opening and hoping into the leather seat of the yellow camaro. "Oh, God!" Sam groaned giving me a sidewards glance of help and backing out. 

I tapped the seat underneath me gaining Bumblebee's attention and slyly pointed at the female sitting in front of me, with a hand 'choking' myself. "My first car was my dad's '92 Z28" Said female informed Sam as they looked at the other. "Yeah?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes at his politefulness and played with the tactical knife in my camo cargo pants top pocket. "Fuel-Injected. The roar of the engine, it just tickles me" The female added, probably playing with the hem of her dress. "Uh- We shouldn't stare...I mean, share stories with eachother, at all" Sam stuttered, proving my guess correctly. If this were a normal vehicle, I would have kicked his seat for looking but I didn't want to piss Bee off. I did need to get to Optimus and I was too lazy to drive myself. "Come on, Sam. Just one ride" 

I awkwardly coughed, gaining the female's attention with an icy cold death glare. I smiled back sarcastically and poked my tongue at her. She rolled her eyes before looking back. "Your cheatin' heart" The radio played making Sam hit it and change to the theme music of Jaws. Another hit from Sam and it changes to Super Freak. "Don't. Don't" Sam said hitting the radio again. Bee didnt stop till he reached the end of the verse when the Female spoke again. "Is your radio broken?" She asked glaring at the radio. "No, my concentration is" Sam answered to which the female replied with "We're not cheating". I scoffed and moved to the seat behind Sam, knowing that Bee was gonna react badly. "Not yet" She added right before her seat started bucking back and forwards.

"Is something wrong here?" The female asked when her seat stopped moving. "Yeah, he has a girlfriend which he's told you" I said quietly, looking out of the window and receiveing a cold glare again. A mechanical whir and a scream later, I was chuckling at the female from my spot. "God! You okay?" Sam screamed as I continued giggling. It was only when she said an 'Ouch' that I realised Bumblebee was playing matching Music making me giggle harder. "I really don't know what to tell you. This car has a lot of problems. A lot of-" Sam began but was interrupted by Bee sprawing radiator fluid over the female. 

Sam began screaming whilst the female tried to stop the steady stream and I watched on, laughing now. "Oh, God! It's in my mouth!" Sam exclaimed after drifting the car to a stop. "Are you okay? I got Wetnaps. I got Wetnaps for your face! Hold on!" He spoke, jumping out of Bee. I watched lazily as the female scoffed and dove out, slamming the Camaro's door hard and walking away. "I...I'm so sorry!" Sam yelled as she continued walking away. "What are you doing?" Sam asked looking at Bumblebee. I looked at him as he hopped back into the car. "Optimus wants to see you" I answered before Bee took charge and drove the night to the given coordinates Optimus had sent us to meet at. 

We arrived rather early in the morning and Sam had been up for an hour or two whilst I didn't sleep a wink. Too many nightmares floating around. "You won't give me a day huh?" Sam began as he climbed the small raise and walked over to Optimus who was standing next to a grave. Yes, a grave. Optimus had sent us to a graveyard. I got out of Bumblebee slowly and gently closed the door again before following Sam and standing next to him. "You won't give me one day in college?" He finished looking up at the Autobot Leader. "I'm sorry Sam but the last fragment of the Allspark was stolen" Optimus informed Sam as well as I. I cursed underneath my breath and turned away from them both, kicking a stone around the graveyard. 

'Calm down' Light groaned over the bond. 'The Allspark fragment. It's been stolen' I replied angrily, listing all possible reasons the Decepticons would need it. 'What?' Light roared over the bond and making me wince slightly. 'I can list several reasons, Light. But only one sticks out for me' I replied wearily as I stopped pacing on the other side of the graveyard. Unfortunately, I was too busy talking with my brother to care about Optimus and Sam at the moment. 'Your not thinking that they'll use it to revive him, right?' Light asked hoping the feeling he had of mine was wrong. 'I'm afraid so' I answered, hearing him curse on the other side. "Shadow!" Optimus called, gaining my attention from my brother.

'Gotta go, Optimus wants me' I told my brother, slowly making my way over to Optimus. I had noticed that Bumblebee had left already, probably with Sam as he was missing. 'Alright, Have fun' Light teased, making me shiver. 'Your gross' I whined, making a face. 'Have fun with Ratchet, Brother dear' I replied hoping to gain the same reaction. 'Oh, I already have' Light purred making me stop dead in my tracks, a few metres from Optimus. 'Nope' I quickly replied, blocking the bond from my end. "What is troubling you?" Optimus asked offering me a servo to stand on. "Light" I answered, shivering from the thought. Optimus raised an optic ridge with a small knowing smile as I stared at him in horror. 

"Your both gross. I don't want to know about my brothers...s-sex-ual life" I whined quietly, looking away from my mechfriend. His chuckle gained my attention however. "I'm sure they can both handle themselve" Optimus said still quietly chuckling. "I do not care. I still don't want to know about it" I growled, crossing my arms over my chest and straightening up. "Naww" Optimus made before he kissed the side of my face, effectively shutting me up and making me blush. Optimus made a few strangled laughing noises before he composed himself. "Shadow, I need you to watch Sam. Contact Bumblebee and I if any problems arise" He said changing his playful tone to a more authoritive one. 

"Sure thing Boss! I'll maintain Alt cover and stay out of sight" I answered saluting him playfully before flipping off his servo and landed in my Bipedal mode. "I'll try not to have too much fun with out you, love" I added, giving him a wink and changing to my Alt mode. I gave a quiet goodbye with my horn before leaving, watching as Optimus had a smile and was shaking his helm at my childness. 


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