Dating Seokjin

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- would wake you up using the frying pan and spatula

-loves it when you cook for him

- loves it when you borrow his clothes

- would kiss you on your forehead before you sleep

-would always stay up until you're asleep so he can watch you sleep.

- would always say "my girlfriend is so pretty and I'm so handsome we're meant to be thank you Lord!"

- likes it when you go inside of his sweater while he's reading a book.

- always carry you to your room when you get drunk

- doesn't stop you to go with your friends but you have curfew

- is over protective

- loves it when you put lip balm on his lips

- would always carry you on his back when going home from dates.

- cooks for you when you're sick

- buys you pads whenever you need.

- loves it when you lean on his shoulders

- is always gentle during make outs coz doesn't want to hurt you.
* this authornim is clean and pure I promise*

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