Where did your testosterone go?

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I quietly sit in the last seat by the window. I specifically chose the seat because I know all the anime characters who sit here find a cute love interest within the first week of school.

Life isn't a fuckin anime.

I fiddle with my hair, scowling at two brown birds by the window. They tweet and jump around together. How dare they be happier than me.


I consider throwing my pencil out to hit the birds. Fuck you, birds.


I accidentally sneeze, scaring the birds away, both flying separate ways. I feel bad now. Cause of divorce: teenage girl's sneeze.


I jump, spilling my pencil pouch on the floor. Matthews standing next to me, scowling.

"Yo, what's up?" I try to act casual as I awkwardly bend down from my chair to pick up my pencils, refusing to stand up.

He moves a strand of his blonde wavy hair out of his eyes. It's bleached, his natural hair color is a dull brown; you can see it in his eye brows. His blonde hair makes my taupe hair look bland in comparison.

"I've been calling your name for the past 5 minutes," he says, pouting, "since when are a pair of birds more interesting than I?" I pick up the last bit of my pencils and neatly put them in my pouch. Colored pencils go in before regular pencils because they're not as needy.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," I reply

He smirks, "About Lune?"

Lune. Sounds like my perfect match since my name is Sol. But, when I try to address the fact, he nods and simply says "cool". If this were an anime, he'd probably take my hand and say something like, "Well then, can I be the moon in your Solar eclipse," and I would swoon and say "oh yes, Lune," as we ride a magic carpet to space and blow up Jupiter.

"Why Jupiter?" asks Matthew.

"Because Jupiter is scary. It's one of of the biggest planets in our solar system. I bet it just waiting for Earth to be off guard then SNAP! Jupiter eats Earth."

Matthew puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close and gives me a noogie. "You're an idiot, Sol" he says, shining his bright smile. A few girls, one blonde and curvy, the other brunette and petite, catch Matthew's smile.

The blonde starts to walk over here, pauses, as if doubting herself, then catches my eye. I raise a brow and she turns and walks away.

"What's with them," Matthew asked.

"Dunno, guess they were entranced by your looks and then ran off once they saw the scary beast next to you," I pretend to wipe tears out of my eyes and smile at him my not - so - amazing smile.

"You're not a beast."

"But I sure am scary," I hold up my hands like bear claws and growl.

"Whatever you say, you're still pretty cute. Hey, when does Burger King close? I'm hungry."


He pokes my cheek, "are you up for a burger?"



"Why'd you call me cute?"

His face turned bright red and looked away, "I said no such thing."

I realize I just made things awkward so I grab his sleeve and start to run, "BURGER KING CLOSES IN 15 MINUTES, WE GOTTA HURRY!"

Matthew stumbles and I'm practically dragging him, "WOAH YOU'RE TOO FAST, SOL"

But I don't hear him.

I gotta get a Whopper.

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