The Cashier

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We make it to Burger King with 5 minutes to spare. I'm sweating and breathing heavily while Matthew is yelling, "HOW COULD YOU RUN 2 MILES IN ONLY 10 MINUTES NOW, BUT YOU CAN BARELY RUN HALF A MILE IN 30???"

I walk to the register, my mouth watering at the thought of a juicy burger in my mouth.

"2 whoppers please," I say, smiling, knowing I'm getting food.

"Alright, beautiful smile, by the way" the cashier says.

I scowl, this cashier is around my age, black hair like some emo kid, but it suits him. I'm about to spit a comeback, when he smiles. An amazing smile, making anyone else's bland in comparison.

"Uh..." What the fuck, Sol. Say Something. Something witty. Something to make him think you're not a dork.


"What's going down? " Matthew wraps his arm around me and smiles at the cashier.

The cashier looks startled for a second, but regains his smile. I blush. "Just taking her order is all," he says, tilting his head a little.

Matthew notices my blush. "Sol, go find us a seat, I'll pay," he says, smiling his not - the - cashiers smile and kisses my forehead.

I punch his chin, making him bite his tounge, "Don't do that." I leave to find a seat.

A few minutes later, Matthew comes back with a tray of food, I notice a smoothie, I didn't order a smoothie.

Matthew notices me eyeing the smoothie and hands it to me. He scowls, "Oliver, the cashier, said it was on the house."

I turn to look at Oliver, he's cleaning the counter and winks at me. I blush again.

What's with the blushing? This isn't some romantic comedy shit.

i take a huge bite of my burger, and some ketchup lands on my cheek, i wipe it off with my sweater and i catch Oliver staring at me, laughing. I scowl, focusing on Matthew and my burger.

I can't fall for some random cashier.

I've already fallen for Matthew.

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