Singing Contest

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Streamers are flowing across the ceiling, colors varying from reds and yellows to greens and blues. The floor is carpeted with balloons of different colors. Matthews dancing around, microphone in hand. I sit silently, sulking.

I hate singing.

Matthew has this annual singing contest between me and him. The contest consists of him singing his lungs out for 3 hours while I weakly sing a 1 minute song.

"it sucks to be broke and unemployed and turning 33..."  Matthew sings, he has a thing for show tunes, "It sucks to be me"

He starts to sing for 5 or 6 different characters, changing his expression as he changes character.


I notice his hair is a little lighter now. Did he bleach it again?


Ooh, I'm hungry. I wonder if there's snacks. Knowing matthew, he probably prepared everything but food.

"SOL!!" Matthew hits me with the microphone on my head.

"Whyyyyyyyy" I groan, holding my head.

He smirks. "Don't daydream during my grand performance. I know I'm cute," he runs his fingers through his hair, "but focus, Sol," he says with a wink.

I groan, "oh please. I'd rather eat a rat before I admit you're cute."

He puts his hand on his heart, "you're hurting me, Sol." He starts to skim through his CDs, "What song are you going to want to sing?"

I think for a minute, "Do You Believe in Magic by The lovin' Spoonfuls"

Matthew stares at me. "Are you serious?" he asks, with a snicker.

I stand proudly, facing him with my head high as he presses play on the karaoke machine. I love this song, Matthew and I used to listen to it as kids, I guess he doesn't remember.

"Do you believe in magic," I do my best to sing on key, though I've never taken lessons, "in a young girls heart?"

Matthew yells out, "no!" in response to the lyric. He smiles his goofy smile, and I remember Oliver.

I wonder what he's doing.

Probably not singing a song from the 60's.

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