Best top 3 Blackmailing reader
3.Fathimakhan813 & Taha2020 & gangachowdry & surajlover & jhallu123
1.Follybraverl TevarAnisha
Best top 5 Inspirational author
5.NdsgSwasan & imAbhigyaShabir & Sukorian & GS_Stella & neptunezz_SSD & aditi_roy
3.Suba30 & Bushrafaheem
2.asthra & Sally_blr
1.Crazymahiz & live_til_it_hurts & aliya598
Congratulations writer's for owning a title of best inspirational author
Congratulations reader's for owning a title of blackmailer!! 😂😂Are you all interested in Group competitions?
And other results we will give tomorrow evening because we need count again because we got confusion with ourselves
crazy awards
Non-FictionThis is the awards not only for writers,bt also for the readers So get started to join the freak group!