Hello everyone...Best Top 5 supportive Reader
4.Bu88zz & akismat & Sindhuraii & Gangachowdry& live_til_it_hurts & fairyFarii & sukorian & Taha2020 & suba30 & Ammujeypaul
3.AdibaAfreen & Aliya598 & Follybraverl & Charmedone & chakor01 & TevarAnisha & Crazymahiz
2. Divinedarkness1111 & Shinchan0324 & PriyankaDahiya9 & Arviabhigya
1.virman_superehit(best supportive reader... There was many reader's but this reader maintained to get the first position)
Best Top 5 Lazy Author
5. Sally_blr & varshini & dharani
4. Moulidtta & Booksbybela
3.Ridhi_guptha & joonajoo & fairyFarii & live_til_it_hurts
2. TevarAnisha
1.Silent_writer (Record breaking lazy author.. Nobody gained vote as this writer.. I every categories winner's has one or 2 votes difference but this author is really different😜)
Congratulations.....! Winners!
Here we come to an end of the first set awards results...
crazy awards
Non-FictionThis is the awards not only for writers,bt also for the readers So get started to join the freak group!