Winners (1)

486 70 367

Best top 10 Active Reader

10 Dharani
8. Jhallu
7. Musumikar
6. Surajlover
5. Kirthi1705 & Sindhurii & Sukorian
4.TAHA2020 & Sanyayaa & akismat
3. Virman_superhit & Saromythi
2 Divinedarkness & Rojagadoba

Best top 8 Regular Author

8.live_till_it_hurts and Mars (4)
7. Asthra (5)
4.Aliya (13)
3.Shiningpearl (14)
2.Sukorian (15)
1.Crazymahiz (16)

Congratulations all the winners
Thank you all for participating..
Soon we are going to disclose the results of another set of awards
Active reader has confused us at first it was very difficult to count because there 1 or 2 difference
We will give all the winner's a certificate!
With a crazy interview (only for those whom their friends wants to know.. Top 1 is definitely going to hv crazy interviews.. But if you want any other in this u hv to tag them here.. Interview will begin after the disclose of all the winner's )

So here you hv to tag here..

Thank you again...


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