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PERSON TEXTING - @!! @#!)@#& (#)

@!! @#!)@#& (#): You really have no choice.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): It was a little... unfair, you know?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): We stood no chance.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): You had all of my characters, after all.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Ones that worked so hard...

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Haha...

@!! @#!)@#& (#): One for me, one for another, one for you - one for everyone!

@!! @#!)@#& (#): This game is fun, isn't it?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): But not fun enough?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): That's why I decided to join!

YOONGI: you only joined because i was close to the end

YOONGI: who is this?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Hoseok.

YOONGI: you're not hoseok.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Ha.. I'm not. But I am.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): I've been him this entire time.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Syncing with you.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Finding out all of your strategies.

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