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PERSON TEXTING - @!! @#!)@#& (#)

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Yoongi! You're back to play. :)

YOONGI: listen up, alright?

YOONGI: no tricks.

YOONGI: no games.

YOONGI: be fair. no draining my life on purpose. no tampering with my connection.

YOONGI: you got it?

YOONGI: if you want me to play your games? then play fair.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Sure thing, Yoongi!

@!! @#!)@#& (#): After all, I have two characters and you have two.

YOONGI: set all your actions like mine.

YOONGI: don't do anything that i can't do.

YOONGI: and give me back my abilities i lost.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): You're asking for a lot, aren't you, Yoongi?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Being a little bit too greedy?

YOONGI: i'm greedy? what does that make you?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Haha! No need for fighting, Yoongi.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Save that for later.

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