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PERSON TEXTING - @!! @#!)@#& (#)

@!! @#!)@#& (#): ...

@!! @#!)@#& (#): All of you are LIA!@(!(RS.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): All of you only wanted to help HOS(!($!EOK.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Not me.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): I'll... give you a hint anyways.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): There is O((!!!!! 'ONE clue.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): That tells who I am.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Throughout the entire game...

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Throughout our journey.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Will you find it?

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Haha.. of course not.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): You won't know who I am.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Yoongi doesn't know.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Hoseok doesn't know.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Jimin doesn't know.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Jungkook doesn't know.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): ....

@!! @#!)@#& (#): Nobody knows.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): I invited everyone.

@!! @#!)@#& (#): NOBO@@!(!(@####DY

@!! @#!)@#& (#): BELI!!(@@(8@2EVES

@!! @#!)@#& (#): M@E

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