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        You only ever see yourself twice in your life. In photos and in pictures, yeah sure you know what you look like at all times. You check yourself in the mirror to make sure your makeup and your hair are alright. My point is you never actually see what you look like to other people. You don’t know how your eyes light up when you talk about something you love or the way that you blush when you’re embarrassed or have received a complement. What I’m trying to say is that you never see the way other people see you. You only ever see yourself in photos or in the mirror, right?

        But when I met him. He was the one person who could tell me what I look like at every moment of the day. He could tell how I was feeling just by looking at me because he knew me better than I even knew myself. The way that we met, sure it wasn’t that special. We didn’t bump into each other on campus or he didn’t see me in a coffee shop and just ask me to sit down. Although it wasn’t any of those things this very moment that we met meant more to me than anyone will ever know. Even him. This boy who changed my life you may ask, is Liam Payne and he means the absolute world to me.

        The struggle to find someone as beautiful as him wasn’t something I was just looking for. I wasn’t desperate for any man to come along who was attractive and I would be at his fingertips. No that’s not it. I wasn’t ready to begin something this amazing and realize that already a week through I was already in to deep. I never expected to fall for someone so fast that I almost didn’t have enough time to catch my breath at the end. The time that it took me to be absolutely mesmerized by his beauty was only enough to last one second. Even when I met him I was speechless. I don’t even get why he would even fall for a girl like me as well. Because well I’m just…me.

        Now this isn’t a diary that I’m going to go date by date and tell you everything that happened during our story. It is just going to be our little adventure and everything that happens during it. But, you can’t know the ending without the beginning. So lets just start you off with how the most spectacular man and I met each other.


So this is the prologue to my new Liam fan-fiction! I hope all of you liked it. I'm going to repost it with chapter one in awhile cause they go together I just wanted you to get a taste.

Hope you all enjoyed! Sorry it's short :(


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