Chapter 4~ Gang Trouble

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Lukas' POV

"What do you mean we are in trouble?!?!" I look up at Berwald.

"You do realise we're in trouble by the people who attack us last time?"

"That's not the point we're here to find Den! I don't care about them lot!"

"Don't be stupid Lukas..." Emil gave me a glare.


"We'll find him when we're not possible under attack..."

I roll my eyes and carry on that they mention it...there's a gang who always targets us in Mathias' country they annoy me so much.

Too deep in my thoughts I didn't realise one jumped in front of me, nocking me over.

"Hey there Lukas watch where your going next time eh?" He smirks at me with his gang behind him all holding knives. Emil grabs me and pulls me back behind him and Berwald.

"We are quite busy so can you leave us alone?" Emil glared at them but obviously not scaring them..

"That would be fun now would it? And weres that blond annoying one?" He smirked.

"None of your concern" Ber spoke up.

"Then this is going fun isn't it?!" He smirked then him and his gang charged at us. We drew what ever weapons we had and defended ourselfs and each other the best we could.

I manage to quickly call Den but he didn't answer so I left a message. "Mathias please help...we're getting attacked wherever you are please come...I really miss you and we need you right now...Lukas..." It ended with me getying slashed on the arm by a blade..

'Ah! Shit!!'

Mathias' POV

"I need to go.."

"What?" Arthur and Alfred turned to me.

"There in trouble..." I jump out of my seat and run to the door grabbing my axe. "I'll be back in awhile!"

"Be careful you git!!"

I ran out the door and drove straight to my country.....'please hang in there guys...'


I run from my car and see them on the ground, bleeding from deeps cuts on their face, arms, legs and chest. Berwald, Lukas sat infront of Tino while he's holding Emil who's unconscious....'shit!'

I ran in front of them. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!!" I drew me axe out and glared at them.

"Look who came around~" One smirked and went to attack me..I blocked with my axe in time before I got hit.

I swung my axe and hit in straight in the side and he fell instantly. I managed to critically wound them until something beyond words happened.

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