The Strange Beginning In This New World

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When death didn't come for you you opened your eyes and jumped up to realise you weren't at Star killer base anymore but on a roof top of a town building,

(Y/N) : What in the name of Skywalker is going on ? Where am I ? How ?

Quickly you check you gear to make sure you are not unequipped after you trip but you don't appear to be you look yourself over

You are still wearing your knights uniform being a carbon copy of kylo rens attire albeit for a royal blue primary colour rather than the black of kylo rens actual gear and what surprises you is the lack of damage, despite this you quick disregard this thought and check your weapons which thankfully are still with you

Your weapons do compliment you as an unorthodox combatant in your realm as you tandem wield for the most part a DT-29 blaster pistol and your lightsaber similarly to kylo Rens saber it's equipped with a cross guard but unlike kylo you chose the cross guard design.

(Y/N): Hope it still works........ Maybe I should try it out to be safe

You then ignite the saber expecting a crimson blade to appear which is why your confused when a black blade shot out of the hilt with a silver like glow emitting from it

(Y/N): Woah ....Alrighty then looks like I've got me my own Dark saber eat your heart out mandalorians

You then retract the blade and then intrupted by a man in white with orange hair and a cane follow by a girl with a mahusive scythe gun thing

Then you see the man aim his cane ? Before shooting something he threw out of a vtol aircraft and you being you decided to jump in and deflect the shot with you saber


You shouted back before a blonde haired woman appeared infront of you and in a matter of moments dealt with the vtol but not before you used you force power to yet again return enemy fire (literally in this case) back


You now find yourself in what looks like an interrogation room along with the scythe girl from earlier whom you could now get a better look at

The girl in question had short black hair with red tips with matching red and black attire and Silver eyes ? Oh well as you guys were going to be there a while you decided to get to know her better

(Y/N) : Hello there I'm (Y/N) may I ask who are you little red

Little red : Oh .. Hello my n-name is ruby, ruby rose it's nice to meet you

(Y/N) : Its a pleasure to meet you too Ruby but can I ask you something ?

Ruby : Yeah of course fire away

(Y/N) : Do you know what's happening because I'm really lost and confused right now first I'm on star killer base and now I'm hear I can't make heads or tails of it

Ruby : Star Killer Base ? What's that

(Y/N) :how do you not know the huge first order base ?

Ruby : first order ?

(Y/N) : Your kidding right ?

Ruby: wish I was I think your along way from home bud

(Y/N) : So no galactic republic?

Ruby : No

(Y/N): knights of ren ?

Ruby : Nah

(Y/N) : Jedi ?

Ruby : Nope none of that

(Y/N) : yeah long away from home

Ruby : yeah I think so

(Y/N) : no I've just realised first order were experimenting with inter dimensional travel but when the base blew up it must if send me here

Ruby : Yeah a long LONG way from home

After this sudden realisation you and Ruby remain solemnly quite adventually the blonde women reruns along with a white haired man in green to which I explain my predicament to and as a result I'm allowed to go with the girl ruby to this beacon academy for now but now I'm starting to like it hear after hearing about it all maybe I'll stay but we'll see it's more peaceful than my universe anyway

This school is to train people to become hunters and huntress to keep people safe which to me sounds like the perfect job for me considering my powers hopefully this can be my new purpose in this world instead of the tyrant I was in my old universe

At least in this world I've stared out well and with a new friend Miss Ruby Rose and hope for many more to come


(Y/N): *walking out of the bullhead at beacon* Well here we go

With his head in a trash can you see a blonde haired boy vomiting with nobody helping when you though

(Y/N) :(in head) time to help a friend To be

As you walked over to the poor boy

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