Meeting Fellow Students

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(Y/N): Hey bud are you ok

You asked the vomiting blonde boy who had Finished depositing his stomach contents in the bin he was keeled over

Vomit boy : Yeah I am now thanks your the only one to ask so far

(Y/N) : I'm glad but where are my manners the name is (Y/N) nice to meet you

Vomit boy : likewise I'm Jaune arc, short sweet rolls of the tongue, ladies love it

(Y/N) : Do they ? Thought they know you as vomit boy now

Jaune : Hey motion sickness is more common than you think man

(Y/N): Not doubting it for a second

Before Jaune has a chance to answer you here a explosion out front of the school

(Y/N) : wanna check that out ?

Jaune : totally 

You both make your way to the court yard to the front of beacon to catch a glimpse of Ruby being shouted at but another new student whom from what you had seen was dressed in all white pro dominantly but as she had stormed of you didn't care as Jaune helped Ruby up you just stood there looking into the wilderness until there was a mention of weapons

Ruby : well I have this

Ruby says to pull out her scythe explaining it to both me and Jaune as it was both scythe and sniper

Ruby : what about you Jaune ?

Jaune : oh I have this sword

(Y/N) : cool

Jaune: and this sheild but what about you (Y/N) ?

As both Jaune and Ruby stared at you with anticipation as to what wizardry you might have

(Y/N) : oh me I only have my light saber and blaster pistol that's it

Jaune and Ruby : come again ?

(Y/N) : laser pistol and laser sword

Jaune and Ruby :ooh

(Y/N): we better get going to the opening ceremony guys let's go


You were half paying attention to what both Ozpin and Goodwitch was saying but you were struggling for the short time you had to listen but you did here you all were sleeping in the main hall that evening which you just Knew you were going to hate


You looked around at everyone preparing to sleep which you knew was going to be impossible for you so you decided against it and got up and began to walk out when

??? : Hey (Y/N)

You turned to see whom called you to see Ruby waving here hand to you to which you return the gesture saying

(Y/N) : Hey Ruby need me ?

Ruby : Wanted to introduce you to someone

(Y/N) : really whom ?

??? : That be me Cutie

Yet again you find yourself turning to talk to someone being a very long blonde haired girl with lilac eyes staring back at you

Blonde : The Names Yang ,Ruby's sister are you the one my sister walked into the ceremony with ?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N) Nice to meet you Yang

You looked back and fourth between Ruby and Yang trying to work out how they are sisters at all but then it clicked

(Y/N) : let me guess half sisters ?

Yang: yep but your still didn't answer my question

(Y/N) : yes, yes I was Yang

Yang : Get you Rubes first day and you already got yourself a cute on

You knew yang was joking of course but Ruby took it a tad took seriously going as red as here cape in the process which you took as your cue to leave 

(Y/N) : it's been nice you two but I've got something to do talk to you later

Yang and Ruby : Bye (Y/N)

To which you quickly left the main hall glancing over at a girl in black as you leave to which she smiles back but you couldn't shack the feeling of being followed out and away from the hall to which you said without turning around

(Y/N) : why are you following me for

??? : I'll leave you alone now but let this be known that you peak my romantic interests already (Y/N)

The distinctly feminine disembodied voice said as when i turned around nobody was there which soon gave me chills but You carried on until you reached the cliff top you were starting you initiation at the next day

(Y/N) : Ok focus Lightsaber forms

You tell yourself as you begin still thinking about the mystery of the female following you plaguing your mind but nothing you could do until tomorrow apart from practice and practice

(Y/N): who could it be ?

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