Initiation : New Partner And Relic Collection

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You stayed up all night practicing your lightsaber forms in preparation from initiation the next morning by that cliff side at emerald forest


You decided to have a sit down when professor Ozpin and professor goodwitch had joined you to make preparations for initiation but despite this Miss goodwitch seemed confused as to why you were so early and questioned you about it

Goodwitch : How come your so early Mr (l/n) normally me and Ozpin are waiting a while before anyone comes

(Y/N): I couldn't sleep so I came out and did some last minute weapon practice

Both Professor goodwitch and professor Ozpin seem sceptical but accepted response to the question before Ozpin greeted another student to the cliff top

Ozpin : why hello there Lowbacca


You quickly snapped your head around to be greeted with a 8 foot tall Wookiee to which he responded to you with a confused growl until Ozpin cleared up the situation

Ozpin : (Y/N) this is Lowbacca ...

(Y/N) : A Wookiee from my universe but why are you here

Lowbacca simply laughed

Ozpin : didn't you know (Y/N) he's a fellow student now

You stood there awestruck that you are not completely alone in this new world but as more students arrive you all take your places on the launch pads

Once we were all present Ozpin explained how initiation goes down with the main points being the first person you see is your partner for your beacon life and then you are to collect a relic from sone ruins and return back to the cliff top so I give a general call out to everyone before we all get launched into battle

(Y/N): Goodluck everybody hope initiation goes well for you all !

I called out to everyone one the cliff top to which I do get a fair amount of responses considering I don't know many people and many who answer I have yet to meet

Hammer girl : Thanking you

Yang : Thanks cutie

Jaune : Thanks man

Ruby : Thank you (Y/N)

Spartan woman : why thank you kind sir

Mace wielder : Thanks asshat

Purple hair guy: thank you

Lowbacca gave a friendly gesture to you after roaring at mace wielder who went extremely pale afterwards making me giggle as well as the black haired bookworm from last night to laughed a little before turning to me and saying

Bookworm : thank you (Y/N) is it ?

(Y/N) : That's my name don't wear it out what's your name ?

You smirked at your wit bit succeeded in getting her to roll her eyes before answering

Bookworm : Blake Belladonna

(Y/N) : enchanted Blake but initiation is about to start

You both Hush up as you prepared to be launch trying to be more prepared that Jaune was

Soon you were launched and were flying over emerald forest trying to figure out your landing

(Y/N) : A force assisted landing should work

And luckily for you it did ask you timed a force push at the right time to soften your landing but you soon realise you are in a heavily Grimm populated sector of the woods but it would not matter at you drew your blaster pistol  and started heading to the ruining

As you were walking you kept hearing a death stalker close by unknown to you be right behind you but you didn't notice until you turned around coming face to face with the Grimm but before you could draw your saber to fend if this close range attack a bright coloured flash of plasma flew just infront of you killing the death stalker with ruthless efficiency and a roar ?

You do a double take as standing with you is Lowbacca with wrist lightsaber blades like wolverine with three in a claw like pattern on each hand with bronze blades but before noticing me he roared at the corps then retracted the blades and pulled out his bowcaster blaster then it dawns on me

(Y/N) : Guess we are partners now Lowie you happy ?

He responded with a happy growl and a nod of approval to which I smile to before we here many roars around to find our selfs surrounded by mainly Ursai and a few Beowulfs all around in a complete circle

I furrow my brow before looking at Lowbacca we both seem to connect well and I already feel like he knows what I'm about to say but I do anyway

(Y/N): Up for a straight back to back tag team fight Lowie ? I know I am

Lowbacca smirks before nodding followed by a almighty roar as the both of play a game called Grimm gutting as he repeatedly opened fire onto the pack with his bowcaster getting the occasional gauntlet shank with me back to back with him pro dominantly making used of my lightsaber hacking at the attacking Grimm using my Blaster pistol in tandem for the occasional extra kill but I soon noticed we were getting overran and I decided a little force intervention was need

(Y/N) : Lowie we are getting over ran I'm going to hold them up with the force get ready to run !

I shouted at him to which he acknowledged then I picked my moment and force pulled the grim so that they would be facing both of us not surrounding us then I froze all the Grimm on the spot

(Y/N) : LOWIE RUN !!

I bellowed as we both made a ran for it killing obstructing Grimm as we go before we reach the ruins without any other major problems but then we see the chess peaces on podiums causing both me and Lowbacca to cock our heads in confusion

(Y/N) : Think they are them ?

Lowbacca let's out a confused mumble with a " I don't know " expression glazing his face

(Y/N) : how about this one bud ?

You said point to a glowing queen piece  to which Lowbacca seems to agree on as you swipe it up and only then do you realise you have no where to put the relic so

(Y/N) : mind holstering this for the pair of us Lowie ?

He nods and takes the relic to holster it as he does you both hear something and turn to it  drawing your weapons to be greeted by ....

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