Part 3

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She walked in the house, tears flowing. She sniffled calling out for Naeun but got no response. 
"Where is that girl?" She wiped her nose. "Nae! Where are you girl?!" Silence. Serenity dropped herself on the couch. "What am I gonna do now?" Just then the door opened, "Where are you Fried Chicken?"

"I'm in here Noodles!" She skipped in and stopped "You look terrible! What happened? And why are you home?" Naeun wiped her tears hugging her. "I lost my job today" Naeun gasped. "Oh no!" Serenity nods. "He down graded me because of the colour of my skin."

"What an asshole, don't worry boo, cause I came through for you." Confused she looked up at her, " What do you mean?" Naeun stood up in front of her "When I went for my usual coffee I met some guy.." Serenity rolled her eyes. "A guy won't make this better, Nae." But Naeun silenced her, "I'm not done... of course he flirted with me but I was playing hard to get, you know your girl had to-" She was cut off, "The point Naeun?"

"He works for Armstrong Industries and he wants you to sketch his new building."

Serenity laughs. 

"Don't play with me girl.. did you drink this morning?" Naeun shook her head, "I'm serious! Why would I lie to you?" She sighs. "If you're lying to me I'll go full Trinidadian on you and I won't regret it." They hugged. "Now as I was saying, he was such a sweet piece of chocolate! I want him"

Serenity rolled her eyes, "Of course you do." "But seriously, he's really fine." Naeun fans herself. "I gave him my number because I wanted him to call me so he can flirt with me more-" Serenity looked at her," And he can tell me when to come in." Naeun nods "That too" The girls talked the rest of the night.



He walked in the building. "August!! Great news! I got someone for you." August breathed out a breath of relief. "Thanks man, I knew I could count on you." Trey shrugs his shoulders. "I got a sexy woman out of it." August rolled his eyes, "Of course you did"

Trey sat down. "Her name is Serenity Priddie, what I have on her so far is nothing big, she's from Trinidad, she got her diploma and she was a straight A student. She never missed school and she doesn't have a record." During all of this, August only heard the word, 'she'. A woman, the lesser sex and Trey knew it too. His face said it all. "She'll do great man. Stop doing your face like that, you're already ugly."

August ignored his comment, "You better hope she does good cause this will be on my reputation for life Trey." Trey nods, "Trust me August, have I ever failed you yet?" That was true. Trey has never failed him yet and they've know each other for a long time. August nods which made Trey's chest swell with pride. "Fine, I trust you, I want you to call her in tomorrow at 7 sharp, the quicker she gets it done, the quicker I could move on"

Trey saluted him, "No problem" He nods. "Oh and by the way, mama said to come home after the sketch is revealed. Don't ask me why I just had to carry the message."


Relief that's all he felt when Trey found someone. When Trey left  took the paper out of his draw and looked at it. Why? That was the question. He couldn't concentrate, all his focus was on this sheet of paper. It affected him but he didn't want to admit it.

"Honestly, stop controlling me." He said, eyes staring back at his, they were so vibrant yet he hated them with  passion. Even though it was so long ago, he could have never gotten over it. He placed the paper back in its spot and got up leaving the building.

"It's in the past August, let it go, stop letting it affect you." The same vioce that spoke to him since he met that paper again. How much he tried to, it came back piece by piece, attacking his brain leaving him with a destroyed conscience. As he tries rebuilding himself but for now he stayed under its control.

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