Chapter 1

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I hope you guys like this ! I'm writing this on my phone so sorry for typos!

**Sydneys POV**

Tomorrow is the first day of 7 th grade in a new school in a new town for me and my sister Lilly. Lilly is 3 years older than me and is very pretty, all the boys go crazy about her. This year I will be attending a school in North Carolina. We just moved hear from Boston Massachusetts. All my friends live in boston and I am going to miss them terribly! I hope this new school doesn't suck...

" Syd we need to go shopping, your not going to be needing all of those winter close anymore!" My mom said.

" mom you know that I don't like being called Syd right?"

"Of course I know, Because your dad used to call you that" she said.

My dad died a few years ago in a car crash when I was 10 and I haven't been the same since. my dad and I were so close to each other, and when he died it crushed me.

"I just need 5 minutes to get ready and then we can go okay?"

"Okay" she said.

My mom is the type of person who can be cool with something's and then absolutely hate other things. When we got to the mall I went to American eagle which is my favorite store and got 7 pairs of shorts, 4 high waisted skirts, 4 crop tops, and 2 t-shirts. When we got home my mom said she wanted to talk with me. we went into the living room of our new big house and sat down on the couch.

"So I have been thinking... That since you are in 7th grade you are going to start hanging out with boys, and that if you want this year you can start dating!"

My mom can be really awk. sometimes but I love her. I think I'm going to have a great year in South Carolina!

I quickly thanked my mom and changed the subject and went into my room.

** first day of a school**

Today I got ready and I wore some of my comfiest clothing which is a sweatshirt and yoga pants. I didn't want to try to hard to fit in, also I didn't want to look desperate. I put my hair in a loose fishtail braid and went on the school bus. I didn't have anywhere to sit in till I saw this really cute boy with brown hair and eyes so blue it was like looking into the ocean.

"Hey you can sit with me!" the cute boy said.

"Thanks I'm Sydney Collins ." I said.

"Oh I'm hayes grier! nice to meet you!"

"You too" I said.

" So did you just move here?" hayes asked

" Ya from boston" I said

"Cool I have never been to boston is it nice their?" hayes asked

"Ya I love it there, even though it can get pretty cold in the winter"

Something about this boy attracted me to him. I knew that I probably sounded like the biggest weirdo ever talking to him.

**Hayes POV**

This girl is so beautiful. Not just her looks they way she talked it made me just want to kiss her. I need this girl to be mine. I really want to take her out later but I'm not sure. what if she says no? I really like her even though I just met her. I just need to man up and ask her already.

"So Syd do you want to hang out later?"

"Ahh I would love to!" Syd said.

"Cool! how about I show you around the school?"

"Ya that would be great I don't want to get lost on my first day of school!"

**Sydneys POV**

Is this actually happening right now?!?!? I can't believe it! when he asked me if I wanted to hangout I stopped breathing for a little bit. I'm so happy I already have a friend and plus he is cute!

"Can I see you schedule so that I can see what classes we have together?" I asked.

"Sure!" he said.

"we have every class together!" I said.

" Yay now I can tell all my friends in home room about the pretty new girl I just met!"

I blushed.

**Sydney's POV**
Omg like what is happening right now. is this real life. I think I'm gonna die, this is so Amazing. I never got treated like this in Boston. This year is my year, the year I can finally be myself.

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