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                                                                                 start the song



I smirked as i jumped up, spinning around, hitting a splicer in the side of the head with the metal part of my shoe.  It fell to the ground unconscious, maybe even having a concussion.

I swiftly then turned around to the next one standing behind me.  It shot at me with it's small pistol twice, not even piercing through my armor.  I jumped to the wall, on my left side, very swiftly, bouncing back off of it, and onto the splicer in just seconds.  

Taking no chance, i punched the splicer with my left hand.  The one which had a rigged harpoon attached to the top.  Yes, that one.  I did it twice, before i heard a satisfying 'Crack!'  To the spliced up citizen of Rapture's skull.  

I dropped it to the floor in victory, before crushing it's skull even more with my foot.  I smirked once again, removing the bone from my harpoon.   At that moment, i heard crying.  From a child with not one, but rather two voices.

And... How could i forget about the little sister.

I walked up to the young child, kneeling down to her height.  I lifted her chin up with my hand, and the little girl scrambled away at first, before recognizing yours truly as a friend.  

"Big sister!"  She said cheerfully, the biggest grin on her face.  I smiled back from inside of my helmet.  "Are we gonna go to the hidey hole soon?  I'm tired."  The little girl yawned, her mood immediately changing from cheerful and energetic to tired and weak.    

I simply nodded, picking her up, and bringing her to the vent, which just happened to be right next to us.  The child gave me a hug, along with a quiet, "Thank you, big sister!"  Before disappearing from my sight.  

I sighed, stretching out, before teleporting into the ocean.

Hey, you could call the ocean my home if you wanted to.  It wouldn't be an entire lie, considering i spend more time in the ocean then i do in Rapture.  I basically lived in an underwater cave which had a large air pocket in it, along with about thirty three feet of rock, which was pretty much a floor.  The wonders of the ocean.

As i got into the cave, there sat my friend, and basically sibling as a little sister, Eta.  Her original name was Leta, but everything changes when you become a little sister.  Oh, the wonders of the Greek alphabet, making her be turned into a big sister after me.  Her big sister name was, specifically;  Subject Eta7.12.  7.12 was basically a fraction.  She was the seventh big sister to be successfully created, out of the twelve failures.   

Me, on the other hand?  My full name was Masha Lutz, renamed subject Zeta6.12.  All i know is my parents killed themselves after they found out i was a little sister.  That's at least what i heard from their audio diary, and what i saw myself.  I never thought about it much though.  Better off dead, rather then killing my parents myself.  

"Hello, Masha."  Eta spoke quietly, staring at my blood covered harpoon.  "Did you crush another skull today?"  She asked me with a serious tone to her voice.  "Yep."  I nodded.  

Eta... She was something.  Really something.  Ever since we where captured by these idiots working for Doctor Gilbert Alexander, Eta has never really talked, like she lost half of her subconscious.  She would bring up random topics, at random times.  

"Do you remember our old big daddy?  The one who killed Suchong?"  She asked.  I nodded, taking off my helmet in the process.  I went over to her, sitting down beside her.

"Do you remember the woman who helped us?"  She asked.  I squinted my eyes a bit.  Come to think of it, i never really remembered her.  But, she did seem smart.  That was all i remembered.  So, i nodded my head once again.

Eta just sat there quietly, not bringing up the topic again.  "Do you want to go to the rock overhang overlooking what used to be Persephone?"  I asked.  Sometimes Eta would like going into the ocean, just to take her mind off things.  I knew she had many things going on in her head, just by judging how quiet she was.

"I would like that."  She muttered quietly, her gaze kept on the ground as she grabbed her helmet off of the wet, rocky floor.  

I got up, putting back on my helmet as well.  Eta grasped my hand, waiting for me to fully get my piece of armor on.  As soon as i heard a 'Click!' We teleported into the ocean almost immediately, leaving behind some purple dust, black ashes, and a loud screech.

A/N:  Helloooo, everyone!  I have decided to create yet another Bioshock fanfiction, which i hope will be great.  Sorry for the short chapter.  I promise they will get longer, but i just thought today right here would be a perfect place to stop so... yeah.   Thoughts?  Improvements that should be made?  Let me know in the comment section, And have a wonderful day/night!

The girl living in the ocean| A Bioshock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now