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I smirked lightly as Eta and I climbed over the glass ceiling, in the ocean.  I clung to the glass eagerly, watching the little sister below us, who harvested ADAM, along side her big daddy, who was fighting off the surprisingly large mob of splicers, which was somewhat eager to get to the little sister.  I looked to Eta, who was shifting forwards slightly, seeming a bit impatient.  "Can we just-"  Eta complained through my radio, cut off by a loud explosion, followed by the yelling of splicers.  "Alright then."  She muttered grimly.  

She teleported inside of the building, while i stayed on the outside.  And this was our technique;  Eta would teleport inside, and make a distraction for the splicers.  Meanwhile, i would be somewhere else watching, weather it be a window or a glass roof, i would be there.  After a bit, i would jump down, save the little sister, and help Eta kill the rest.  Then, we would be on our way.

I looked down at the little sister, who was now being grabbed by a small gang of only three splicers.  One had her by the hair, one had her by the leg, and the other had her by the arm.  I frantically jabbed a hole, then another, then a third, then a fourth into the ceiling with my syringe, before the glass finally cracked.  I jumped down with the water, landing on top of the splicer who held the little sister by her hair.  Screeching in rage, i grabbed the splicer i had landed on by the neck, holding it up before throwing it to the wall.

I then turned to the next one, kicking it in the face, while punching it at the same time with my right hand which had the syringe.  The splicer screamed as my needle went directly through both of it's cheeks, a bit of blood squirting out in the process.  Still holding the screaming, spliced up maniac, i turned to the last one, who was trying to get away with the little sister.  

Just so happens the last one was too weak to manage the struggling child, so i walked up behind him, using my left hand to punch him on the top of the skull.  I heard a satisfying crack almost immediately, crushing it in deeper until i felt something soft.  I shuddered slightly, taking it back out to remove the bits of skull.  I was- secretly- glad there where no bits of brain.  

Looking down, i saw the little sister, which was in a ball, holding her syringe and big daddy doll, crying.  I only lifted her up very carefully, placing her in the cage basket on my back.  Of course, to me she weighed a feather, while to others she weighed as much as your average little sister would.

The little sister had immediately clung on to the cage basked, holing onto all of her things.  I sighed, looking behind me, to see Eta who was still fighting off splicers.  I merely sighed, knowing that she would be able to hold them off for at least the next few seconds.  I gave a loud screech, which, as always, was Eta's signal that i had the little sister.   She screeched back even louder in return, making all of the splicers stumble backwards at the high frequency.

I looked up at the glass ceiling, before springing up, and latching onto it.  Alright then...  I thought to myself as i got to work, jabbing my harpoon into the glass about ten times, into four different spots.  I then jumped down, making a careless, yet perfect landing.  I let out a mischievous, airy, yet deep and loud chuckle as the water splashed down, straight onto the splicers.  I looked at Eta, who jumped over to me just as water about fell on her.  She grabbed my hand, and i immediately teleported away.  Although, i noticed how shaky her hand was.  Which, by the way, was NOT normal, whatsoever.  And i knew that something bad happened. 

A/N: Sorry for the terrible cliffhanger and this short ass Author Note.

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