Chapter 6 ✨

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After work Khalil came and picked me up . I wasn't ready to start back driving my car since it just got fixed . If you're wondering what happen to my car , the next day Jeremy got it and put it in the shop and brought it back to me .

I thought that was really sweet of him but he said that was his way of saying sorry for making me fall . But that wasn't his fault , he still felt bad .

I looked at my phone and it was 9:15 pm . I got off work a lil earlier than I usually do . That's why I went in early . I looked over at Khalil and cause his car was going really slow . This nigga better not be running out of gas .

" Khalil why you driving so slow ? "

" Cause this how I drive . " He said looking at me going slower , then looking back at the road

" Well my nigga you need to go back to drivers ed "

" Nigga this my damn car . I'm just giving you a ride, I can push yo ass out "

" Well you must don't want no food "

" Shiid " Was all he said before speeding up , greedy ass

We pulled up to my house and I still didn't see my daddy's truck . He haven't been here since this morning . I not trying to rush him home anytime soon . But it's still weird .

We got out the car and I unlocked the door and we walked in .

" Finally . " Khalil said laying on the couch

I shook my head . He's so lazy , it's ashame . I went in the kitchen and opened the box of macaroni and poured it in a pot and water in it , then on the stove . We went to a different store & got another box . Since Khalil wanted to act stupid . I walked in the living room where he was .

" Khalil watch the macaroni while I take a shower " I said walking upstairs

I walked into the bathroom & stripped . I turned on the shower and showered . I got out and wrapped the towel around me . I went into my room and shut the door .

When I turned around I seen Khalil model walking in my black and white polka dotted bra .

" Khalil get outta my bra ! "

" Hell nah . This look good on me . " He did a few poses

I was dying . He took off my bra and looked at me

" What punk ? Get out so I can change " I said pushing him out the door

" It ain't like I ai-- " I cut him off by shutting the door in his face , and locking it " ain't seen you naked before " he finished

I dried off . Then I put on my underwear and then I got me grey tank top , black shorts , white socks , out of the dresser & put em on . I pulled my hair up . I put on my deodorant and Cherry Blossom lotion .

I walked down stairs and finished the macaroni & fried some chicken tenders . Khalil & I went in the living room and ate , I washed the dishes . After I got done we watched tv , that's when the door bell rung .

" Khalil go get that please " I whined

" Nigga no . This ain't my house it's yours , I'm just a guest . "

I got up and opened the door . There standing was an officer .

" Hello ma'am . Do you know anyone named Charles Reed ? Is there any relation ? " I really wanted to say no

" Yes , he's my father . Why ? "

" He was arrested today for not paying his DWI in 2 months "

" Oh " was all I said , I didn't care

" Is there any concern ? "

" Nope . Have a good night " I pushed him out of the door and locked it

I'm glad he in jail . I don't gotta see him for awhile . Maybe his ass with learn some . Hell , he might even drop the soap .

I went back into the living room and watched tv with Khalil . 30 minutes later he said he had something to take care of . I knew what that meant . He been in the game for a while now , & I don't like it .

But you can't tell his hard headed ass nothing . I let him out and turned off all the lights . I went upstairs to the bathroom and brushed my teeth . Then I went to my room , closed the door , turned my light off , got in bed and watched tv .

I was watching tv until I fell asleep . But that didn't work so I got on Instagram . Scrolling down my news feed , nun wasn't poppin so I got off . & went to sleep .

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