happy new year!

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I cringed as I opened this book why am I like this pls help me


okay legit wtf is happening with Miraculous like apparently episode 9 came out and??? It's trending??? On tumblr??? In third place?????? Like????? iM sCrEaMiNg????

I'm over here, waiting for it on Netflix, and I feel so conflicted because??? wHaT DoEs THiS mEaN???? gaHHH THE SPOILERS

all I know is the balcony scene happened and something about Chat and-


me, currently: screaming as I wait for it on Netflix

Again, please hold back on the spoilers! I'd appreciate that♡

*grumbles* my sis has already spoiled me enough, just for fun...😒

Hope you guys are doing great!

Here's to hoping season 2 is all out the next time I'm back

Au revoir!


P.S. I'm cringing just thinking about the chapters I'll write for season 2 wtf why

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