Tonight (Smut)

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"Dude Kyle, stop being a Debby downer. I've only had like three beers." Stan snorted out and slurred his words.

Kyle sighs. "Yea 3 huge beers." Kyle rolled his eyes. Stan tsked. "Whatever, I am going to go see like Kenny or Craig or something." Stan walks off.

It was a Friday night and everyone was at Token's infamous parties. Which always went hard every time he has one. Kyle wasn't one for parties or drinking but tonight he seemed to be doing both all while trying to keep an eye on his best friend Stan so he didn't do anything stupid.

Kyle groans and scoffs down his second beer as he sat on the stairs and watched the party around him. Eric looked up at him and stood at the end of the stairs. "Bored already jew?"

"Shut up fatass." Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Oh come one don't be so pouty red head. Have fun." It was evident that Eric had, had a few beers. Maybe not as much as Stan but he was defiantly drunk.

"Fuck off dumbass I just wanted to sit for a few minutes." Kyle glances over at Stan. Cartman looks over to a drunk Stan dancing on the table and sighed. He joined beside Kyle on the stairs.

"You know you don't have to watch him. You're not his care taker." Cartman looked at Kyle.

"You know how he gets. Someone HAS to watch him." Kyle argued.

"No you don't." Cartman stood up. "Come on. We're going to go have fun. You're going to have fun." Cartman decided determained.

"Cartman I can't. What is this one of your little plans to get to me?" Kyle raised an eyebrow.

"No. Jesus. I'm not always after you jew."

"Yea. You kind of are."

Cartman groans. "Ugh just come on you dumb jew." Cartman pulled Kyle up and pulled him along to go get another drink.

After a couple more drinks, a bunch of dancing and actually having fun Cartman and Kyle found their way into a guest room, locking it and sitting on the window seat in the room. Token's house had a lot of rooms, there was defiantly people banging in them and probably doing drugs. It was normal at one of these things.

Kyle laughed. "Did you see the look on Craig's face?"

"Yea oh my god he looked like he was going to shit himself and Tweek just died laughing. What a fucking great boyfriend he is." Cartman took a deep breath from laughing so much as Kyle wiped a tear.

"You know, I've had fun. You're not HALF as bad fatass." Kyle snorted and giggled.

Cartman did a little bow. "Thank you. Thank you." Cartman chuckled. He than looked out the window with a smile. "It's beautiful out. I should've brought my camera."

Kyle smiled as he just looked at Cartman. Realising he didn't look half as bad right now but maybe that was the drinks talking.

Cartman looked over and grinned. "Like what you see jew?" This caused Kyle to blush and glance else where. Cartman giggled.

Kyles gaze found his way back to Cartman. After a moment Kyle leaned in and kissed Cartman. Cartman was taken aback by this but managed to let his eyes flutter close and he kissed back.

Kyle deepened the kiss as Cartman put a hand on Kyles cheek and started to push him back slightly. Kyle added a tongue into the mix, the taste and smell of alcohol really strong. Cartman groaned at this. He pulled away and bit his lip before smirking and taking off Kyles shirt. He kissed Kyles neck wetly and softly. Kyle let out a low groan running fingers through Eric's hair as Eric started to suck a hickey into Kyle's neck which caushed Kyle to whimper out Eric's name.

Eric pulled away and looked at the spot before picking up Kyle and bringng him to the bed, he let him drop as he crawled on him carefully. He took off his own shirt than kissed up Kyle's body.

""Mmmhm.." Kyle hummed out. Cartman pulled off Kyle's pants and boxers. He licked his lips and ran a thumb over Kyles tip causing Kyle to gasp out. Cartman smirked at this before stripping the rest of his own clothes.

Cartman leant back down and kissed Kyle. Kyle kissed back eagerly with a groan as Cartman grind on Kyle. Kyle broke the kiss to groan a bit louder. "Fuck.." He breathed out.

They were both drunk and didn't know any better. Cartman didn't have lube so he spit on his fingers than traced a finger around Kyles entrance before slowly pushing a finger in. Kyle whimpered at this and shifted trying to get used to the feeling. Cartman gave Kyle a moment before pumping his finger in and out. Somewhere between pumps he added another finger which made Kyle whimper louder and groan slightly pushing against Cartmans digits.

Cartman fingers Kyle open and prepped him the best to his drunk ability before pulling his fingers out. Kyle whines at the lost of his digits. Cartman spat on his hand and slathered his length in it before lining up with Kyle's entrance.

Once he made sure Kyle was ready he slowly started to push in. Once his head breached the muscles he stopped for a moment panting slightly before pushing in slowly the rest of the way. The warmth around his length nearly over whelming.

Kyle had tears starting at the corner of his eyes at the pain that he could feel. He groaned loudly as he waited for Cartman.

Cartman started to slowly push in and out of Kyle with his own little groan. "Fuck.." Cartman gasp at the feeling. Kyle kept whimpering and whining, moaning some what but not fully.

Cartman kept going slow for a few moments before thrusting harder and faster into Kyle. Kyle gasp out loudly, groaning. He dug his nails into Cartman's back. He tossed his head back.

It was painful but it's not like he could fully feel the extent of it as he was drunk. Kyle moaned out loudly. "Ahh fuck~." Kyle moved his hips with Eric's which just made the simulation all more enjoyable.

Cartman thrust harder and fast into Kyle letting out his own noises. The head on his length starting to poke Kyle's sweey spots inside him which made Kyle scream and cry out into the night.

Cartman groaned at this and kept thrusting. Kyle felt his stomach pool. He scratched down Cartmans back as he wrapped his legs tighter around Eric's waist and tossed his head back once more letting out a whine. "Gahhh...!" Kyle slightly screamed out. "I'm close..!"

Cartman thrusts into Kyle a few more minutes before Kyle spilled onto both of their stomachs. His body jerking slightly and tensing in the process as he let his mouth hang open and moaned.

Soon after Cartman tensed himself as he spilled into Kyle with a groan. Kyle gasp at this and pants.

Cartman rode out his high before pulling out with a plop and laying beside Kyle who pants out, closing his eyes. Both of them tired and within the next 20 minutes they both fell asleep next to each other.

It was one night. (Kyman)Where stories live. Discover now