chapter 3(edited)

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Chapter 3

"The city is nearly two thousand years old; its shape and layout have changed many times over the centuries. In its native tongue the city was called Elysium, don't ask me what it means, it comes from a dead and long forgotten language. One feature of the city that has not changed is the four main highways and the fact that they meet at a great spiritual nexus". 

Eva interrupts, "what! It's just a crossroads! There is nothing spiritual about it?"

"Well, give me a chance to explain! Now about fifteen hundred years ago, there was no crossroads there. In its place stood a mighty temple. It was a thing of beauty, elaborately carved and decorated. Each road ended in a set of thirteen marble stairs that led up to one of four entrances. Marble pillars stood at each entrance. Inside were magnificent statues and carvings of gods and goddesses. There were countless altars..." 

Eva interrupts again. "Whoa... hold on a minute, I have been to that place and I know there is no sign of a temple or that one ever stood there. Plus, the area isn't even big enough for what you're describing." 

Tiberius leaned forward in his chair and snapped back. "Well if you give an old man a chance to tell his tale, maybe you will find out the answers!"

"I'm just saying what I've seen!" Eva sulked. 

Tiberius ignored her and carried on. "Now, where was I? Ah yes, the temple served all the gods and all religions. People were free to worship anyone or anything they wanted to. There was a group of people who looked after the temple, they were known as the Temple Druids. These people were learned in all religions and gods. They knew all the rituals and different ways of worship, so they could facilitate anyone who came to the temple and ..."

"That's insane!" Eva shouted, "no one can know all the different gods and religions! You're just making this up!"

"No, I am not!" Tiberius snapped back. "I have been studying the myths and legends about this city and the Temple Druids for nearly twenty years now! Can I continue?" Eva made a go-on motion with her hand.

Tiberius settled himself more comfortably then continued, "the Temple Druids had the knowledge of man and gods, they were the most powerful people in the city. They were hugely respected and rightfully feared. People believed they wielded the powers of the gods. The druids dressed in long black robes and wore swords strapped at their waists. The swords were nothing special, simple ceremonial ones, standard steel and straight bladed. The only decoration was a single emerald imbedded in the handle. Most people believed the swords were magical, forged by the gods themselves. All nonsense of course ..."

"So, where are these mighty people now? Where is this magical temple?"

Tiberius shouted back his answer, "if you could stop your tongue from its relentless flapping for more than two minutes, maybe I can tell you!"

Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, seeming to punctuate his words. Eva held up her hands in surrender. Tiberius continued,

"times change, people change even religion changes." He sighed heavily before continuing, "a new religion swept through the land, the foolish people quickly embraced it. There was only one god to worship, one set of rules to follow, a much easier and simple way. This religion was also enemy to all the other gods and religions. It wanted them all gone."

Tiberius held up his hand to silence Eva before she could interrupt. "The Temple Druids did not recognise this new religion, they would not allow it to be practiced in the temple because it was against all the other religions. Foolishly they did not fear it either." He took a deep breath and stared into the fire.

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