Chapter 30 (edited)

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Chapter 30

The debate over Loki's fate went on deep into the night. Most of the gods wanted his death but Odin was determined that the punishment should be more lasting. Loki lay unconscious for the entire duration while different gods yelled out suggestions. The only goddess who kept quiet was Sigyn. She loved Loki very much and was loyal to him, but this time he had gone too far and there was nothing she could do to help his cause.  As the shouting went on, it was Freyja's voice which rang out clearest and gave the gods a moment of pause.

"We should throw him into a pit full or serpents! He would be right at home."

Sigyn winced at the words while all around the table the other gods were murmuring their agreement.

"He should be chained and bound in that pit so he can't escape!" shouted Tyr.

"And they should be poisonous serpents!" said Bragi.

Sigyn had tears in her eyes as she watched Odin, he was the one that would ultimately decide Loki's fate and he was clearly considering this suggestion.  Odin rose to his feet and declared. "So be it. We will take him to Helheim."

Sigyn let out a tormented scream but she was ignored as Thor and Njord picked up the limp form of Loki and headed towards the doors of Valhalla.

The journey to the grey land of the dead was a long and slow one. Odin led the way on his eight-legged horse Sleipnir. The other gods followed behind on horseback also. Loki was draped over a spare horse and loosely bound to it, although he had regained consciousness in Valhalla and had heard what his fate was to be. He decided it was better to play dead, especially as he couldn't think straight, due to all the mead. Odin continued to lead the way while a weeping and protesting Sigyn rode beside him. Nothing she said could convince Odin to back down.

When the gods finally reached Helheim, they travelled up one of the grey mountains towards a large cave. A great wolf was bound in golden chains at the entrance, its dark brown fur was soaked in blood beneath the chains that held it. A great sword was rammed through its lower jaw and embedded deeply into the stone. When the wolf saw Tyr, it began to growl and struggle against its bonds. The wolf was called Fenrir and it was because of Tyr that he now lay in bondage. The wolf saw Loki's limp form and began to thrash even harder. The gods moved on past the wolf and into the cave.

Loki hung limply in Njord's arms while Thor went to work securing golden chains under four massive boulders. The chains were then secured to each of Loki's limbs. He lay motionless as he was secured to the ground, a single tear trickled from his black eye as he knew his fate was sealed. Odin stood over the trickster god and glared down at him.

"Loki, you will be bound here until the end of time. You will never cause us any trouble again!"

Sigyn knelt by her husband's side and silently wept, her cries filled with anguish as Freyja brought in a wicker basket. Loki's shirt was ripped open as the goddess fixed the serpents to the cave roof above. "No, please don't do this!" Sigyn begged. She was ignored, one of the serpents hissed and its venom dripped onto Loki's exposed chest. The venom burned and singed the exposed flesh. Loki's scream out in pain that shook the cave walls. Sigyn wailed and ran from the cave, chased by her husband's tortured screams. Once they were convinced Loki was secure, the gods left the cave and made their way back to Asgard.

Sigyn returned a short while later with a bowl in her hands. She placed it on Loki's chest to catch the venom while she went to work trying to break his bonds. As she worked, Sigyn promised that they would escape and that Loki's daughter Hel would probably give them refuge here in Helheim. But try as she might, Sigyn could not break the bonds that held Loki and she was left with no choice but to sit by his side and weep. Occasionally, the bowl of venom would be full and Sigyn would have to empty it and she would have to endure Loki's tortured screams of pain while she did it. This is the way it would remain until the end of their days.

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