16- Late Night

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Emily walked along the beach, letting the cold sand hit her bare feet. It was late, very late. Past midnight and she couldn't sleep. As she walked the beach she looked out to the ocean and all her worries seemed to disappear. She liked it when that happened. It was cold, and as the wind blew she pulled her thin jumper tighter around her body. As she looked up again she could see a fimiliar figure standing on the edge of the water.

"Patrick?" She asked.

He turned his head and his face became visible. He flashed her a kind smile.

"What are you doing out here so late Emily?" He asked.

"I couldn't sleep," she replied. "I take it neither could you."

"You should be resting for the baby."

"Please," she chuckled. "You sound like my husband."

Patrick laughed in return and sat down on the sand. Emily could tell there was something on his mind as she sat next to him.

"Patrick what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing....don't worry about it," he sighed looking out to the water. "I....I just would've thought....." he trailed off.

"Thought what?" She asked.

"Well....it was awkward the other week when I came to dinner with all you lot and I expressed that I was gay.......I just would've thought that after a week to process it all everyone might've been more accepting of it."

"I accept it," she said quietly.

"You're not the one judging," he replied. "I hate Conrad enough...he's such an evil man....and then he still has to go and make every joke about how I'm gay. Charlotte has avoided me....I thought mum might have accepted it but even she is still keeping her distance," he sighed. "All these years we've missed yet my mother is still avoiding my because I'm gay. I just don't get it."

"Patrick, there is a lot of things I don't understand about Daniels family. There is nothing wrong with be gay, and I don't think that that is what is holding Victoria back. Conrad and Charlotte don't adapt well to something new, Charlotte will come to eventually and you will see how much of a beautiful girl she is. Conrad will too. When I first got with Daniel none of them wanted anything to do with me but eventually everything turned out okay. And Victoria.....Victoria is a strange woman. I don't think she cares that she is gay Patrick. I think she's frightened that if she gets to know you she will have to say goodbye to you again. She doesn't want to get to know you and then loose you all over again...."

Patrick sighed and kept his eyes on the ocean.

"Yeah...yeah I guess," he mumbled.

"It'll all work out Patrick," she said looking over to him.

He nodded again and she looked away and out to the ocean. They were about 100 metres down the beach from where the beach house was and as Emily looked right she saw a silhouetted figure emerge onto the decking area.

"That's Daniel," she sighed. "He'll be looking for me. I should go."

"Thank you Emily," Patrick said. "It's really helped talking to someone."

"I know how it feels to be on the outside of a family like the Graysons. Anytime you want to talk don't hesitate to call."

He smiled and stood up, then offered his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her up off the sand and into a hug.



They let go and Emily made her way back down the beach toward Daniel who was now standing on the sand.

Patrick watched on as Daniel put his arms around Emily then led her back inside and out of the cold. He wished someday he would share the same love that Daniel and Emily shared with someone else. He sighed and walked back inside the walls of Grayson Manor.

.        .        .

"Daniel I was fine. I just went walking," Emily sighed as she laid back down on the king sized bed.

"Walking at 2am...You gave me a bloody heart attack when I woke up and you weren't here."

He laid beside her and wrapped his arms around her pulling her to his chest.

"Well I fine so don't worry about."

"Don't leave again," he said kissing her neck.

She yawned and nodded, then rolled over so she had her head laying against his chest.

"Go to sleep," he whispered.

A/N: It's taken me a while to update.....Got some good chapters coming up!

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